Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is a Hindu spiritual television drama series which airs on Life OK channel. It premiered on 18 December, 2011 and showcases the story of Lord Shiva, also called as Mahadev.
The drama is inspired by the works of Devdutt Pattanaik. The story has been researched from Bodhisattva and has been penned up by Mihir Bhuta.
Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is the story of the Hindu God Shiva, also called as Mahadev. The show portrays his journey from a hermit to a house holder. In the show Shiva takes many incarnations and many incidents take place. However, this plot mentions only the major events.
The story starts with the tale of Shiva's marriage with Sati. Sati who is the daughter of Prajapati Daksha, a staunch Vishnu devotee, is drawn towards Shiva against the wishes of her father. She finally marries Shiva, but soon dies by self-immolation when her husband is insulted at the yajna of Daksha. The grief-striken Shiva produces Virabhadra, who slays Daksha, however he restores Daksha's life after beseeching of Daksha's wife. A distraught Shiva leaves with burnt corpse of Sati and wanders the universe. Vishnu severs the body into pieces, shattering them on earth. Shiva transforms the pieces into Shakti Peethas, embodiments of the power of the Goddess Adi Shakti.
Sati is reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himavan, king of the Himalayas and Mainavati. She is also the sister of the river-goddess, Ganga. Parvati is raised in the hermitage of the Shiva devotee sage Dadhichi, who teaches her devotion to Shiva. Parvati grows up and like Sati, is captivated by Shiva. She slowly remembers her past life, then wins Shiva by her austerities leading to their marriage.
Shiva and Parvati give birth to Kartikeya, who slays the demon Tarakasura and his brothers. Kartikeya is also nominated for the throne of the King of Devas but Shiva asks Indra to continue as the king. After this Kartikeya is sent to the Dakshin (south) where he is cared by Meenakshi and here he slays the demon (asura), Tripath with her help. The story goes on with the tale of the destruction of Tripura, belonging to the revengeful sons of Tarakasura, who were earlier given boons by Shiva. And just before the destruction of the Tripura, Shiva and Parvati's daughter, Ashoksundari is born.
After the destruction of Tripura, except Lord Indra (the King of Devas) everyone congratulate Shiva for destructing Tripura and also for being the father of Ashokasundari. Rishi Durvasa gives him a special garland, which Shiva gave Narada as prasadam. When given Lord Indra accepts the garland placing it on the trunk of his elephant, Airavata to proof that he is egoistic throws it. This enrages the sage and he curses Indra and evryone to be bereft of all wealth and fortune. Soon later to take revenge on the destruction of Tripura, King Bali attacks heaven and in attempt to steal Amrita (nectar of immortality). But it falls into the Ocean of milk. To get the Amrit back Devas join hands with Asuras to churn the ocean for the Amrita and to share it among them.
The churning of the ocean, known as Samudra Manthan is an elaborate process. In the process the Devas disadvantage the Asuras in many ways. Despite this, they churn the ocean. In the process Lord Vishnu also takes his second incarnation of a turtle, Kurma.
The process releases a number of things from the ocean. One product is the lethal poison known as Halahala. This could contaminate the ocean and destroy all of creation. To save everyone Lord Shiva inhales the poison in an act of self-sacrifice but Parvati rescues him by pressing his neck to stop the poison from spreading. As a result, the color of Lord Shiva's neck turns blue. During the churning many things are obtained from the ocean which includes Lakshmi, the Goddess of fortune and wealth, who is the eternal consort of Vishnu. Thus, everyone gets their wealth and fortune back. Later Vishnu takes the Amrita secretly from the Asuras and distributes it among the Devas.
The story takes some years leap after which it is shown that Kartikeya has been removed from the post of Senapati(head of the army), which pleases Indra and for the first time after so many years, a grown-up Ashoksundari meets Kartikeya. Kartikeya also meets his parents. He enlightens Ashoksundari about meditation and she inspired by it so much that she renounces her life to meditate, which disturbs Parvati.
Looking at the ill happening of the world, of how Ahalya is seduced by Indra, Mahadev come indside. Even after Mahadev tells that he is his father and many other gods tried to tell him, he still refuses. Mahadev got angry and cut Vinayak's head.
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专攻刑事案件的律师深山大翔(松本润 饰),热衷以其独有的方式调查案件中不为人所察觉的隐秘真相。当调查陷入僵局时,他就一边做着心爱的料理,一边梳理案件中的线索头绪,并凭借敏锐的观察力和推断力直捣黄龙。某天,在业内享有极高盛名的斑目律师事务所社长(岸部一德 饰)向大翔伸来橄榄枝,邀请他加入所内新成立的刑事专门办公室。坐镇该办公室的是在商务方面声誉颇高的佐田笃弘(香川照之 饰),此外还有热爱摔角的女性律师立花彩乃(荣仓奈奈 饰)。深山的办案风格固然令这两位反感,可是每当他执拗地抓住那微乎其微的关键线索时,这几名骨子里依旧热血赤诚的律师依旧全力以赴,不惜撞得头破血流。
在沙也加(松冈茉优 饰)的眼中,自己的丈夫小林司(锦户亮 饰)是一个完美的男人,他拥有英俊的外表,体面的工作,温柔的个性,能够嫁给小林是沙也加这辈子最幸运的事情。然而,沙也加并不知道的是,小林的同事对他的评价,和自己的可谓是大相径庭。在公司里,小林是一个工作能力极差的人,无论做什么事情都只会拖大家的后腿,总是需要旁人帮他善后。
这一切源于少年时期的一场相遇,少女真由子的隔壁搬来了新邻居一家,她与年龄相仿的百合一拍即合,成为了好友。然而,性格内敛的真由子总是被开朗奔放的百合夺去重要的东西,包括珍爱的项链,以及真由子身边最重要的人。成年后,贪得无厌的百合(高冈早纪 饰)再次夺走了真由子(中山美穗 饰)重要的人——初恋情人谅一(田边诚一 饰)。百合怀上谅一的孩子,二人奉子成婚。他们的儿子直巳出生的那一刻,就成为真由子的复仇工具,跨越20年的复仇大幕正式拉开了。
20年后的今天,在真由子的亲手栽培下,直巳(龙星凉 饰)成为了一个理想的美男子,并且深深地迷恋着真由子……
1. "Nothing but the Truth" (3 January 1995) Successful but over-worked barrister James Kavanagh defends David Armstrong, played by Ewan MacGregor, a Cambridge student of impeccable background who is accused of rape by Eve Kendall, played by Alison Steadman, the wife of his employer. Eve's husband Alan is having an affair and she is lonely, which, at first sight, makes her seem ...
American boy Rob gets Irish girl Sharon pregnant while they hook up for a week while on a business trip to London.
无须测谎仪,无须确凿证据,甚至无须声音,多数情况下只凭细微的表情变化便可判断的一个人说谎与否,这便是卡尔?莱特曼博士(Tim Roth 蒂姆?罗素 饰)的高超本领。 莱特曼博士供职于一家私人机构,该机构专事微表情的研究,对谎言的判定具有绝对的权威性。当FBI、警察或者民间机构遇到悬而未决的问题之时,便是莱特曼博士及其团队大展身手的好时候。他们凭借丰富的经验和谨慎的作风戳穿一个又一个谎言,将事实真相还原。在他们面前,任何说谎者都无处遁形。 本片根据真人真事改编。
故事发生在孝宗年间,锦衣卫兰海平撞破了奸妃狸猫换太子的诡计,他带走了刚刚出生的小公主,并且顺手盗走了宫中珍藏的归元秘笈。兰海平带着妻女和小公主隐居在括苍山上,苦心钻研秘籍,他给小公主取名白云飞(麦丽虹 饰)。 一次意外中,马君武(邓浩光 饰)结识了苏飞凤(翁虹 饰)与曹雄(林祖辉 饰),苏飞凤被马君武的英俊和正直所吸引,芳心暗许。一直觊觎苏飞凤美貌的曹雄将她的心思看在眼里,心中很是愤怒。失传已久的归元秘籍重现江湖的消息在武林中掀起了轩然大波,而这阴谋背后的主使者就是当年被兰海平打落山崖的林天独,他早已经练就了一身走火入魔的武功,只想要大开杀戒,称霸武林。
广濑未知(松岛菜菜子 饰)对教师一职失去热情,而光(泷泽秀明 饰) 被母亲镜子(黑木瞳 饰)严格要求继承医院家业,他们俩人第一次相遇就是在彼此生活都陷入绝境时。未知当时只想与未婚夫结婚,以逃避学校的一切,一心辞去教师的工作。而就在这时,光转入了未知的班上,光当时正想逃离母亲镜子的束缚,为此苦恼不已。纯洁得似乎一碰即碎的光,强烈地吸引著未知,而光对未知也怀著同样的情愫。未知在俩人相识之初,由于自己与光是教师与学生的关系,她只能拼命地压抑著自己的爱意,但是光对未知毫无保留、勇敢的爱情,让未知再也无法沉默,心中的疑虑及恐惧一扫而空。但是来自各界的压力不断,他们自己的相互磨合又总是不合时宜地发生,两人在艰难的经历和环境中,历经了多次的分分合合。这段惊世骇俗的师生恋情是否能被被周围的人认可?最终他们是否可以走向了幸福?