Major Ronan Jackson (Devon Sawa), an accomplished fighter pilot for the Israel Defense Forces and son of a U.S. Senator (Robert Patrick), is shot down while flying through Syrian airspace. After miraculously surviving the crash, Jackson is taken captive by a group of Hezbollah militiamen. A gripping and powerful story packed with hard-hitting action, Jarhead: Law of Return foll...
1928年底,红四军在赣南地区几乎全军覆灭。毛泽东顶住压力要对红四军的流寇主义、极端民主化和非无产阶级思想进行整训。中央派遣刘安恭来到红四军。矛盾越来越激化。 红四军内部的分歧最终让毛泽东在红四军七大中落选了前委书记。毛泽东提出要离开军队去闽西地方工作一段时间。陈毅去上海中央汇报工作,请示如何解决红四军内部的冲突。 红四军终于打下四百年未破的上杭城。毛泽东来到上杭与朱德讨论各自的主张,朱毛并没达成一致,但在国民党“三省会剿”强大的军事压力下,朱德开始认识到毛泽东意见策略的合理性,双方决定等陈毅从上海回来带回中央的指示再作决定。 陈毅从上海归来带回中央指示,恢复了毛泽东的前委书记职务。红四军经过新泉整训,来到古田。古田廖氏宗祠,红四军九大召开。纷纷雪花中毛泽东作了政治报告,确立了建党建军原则,中国共产党领导的人民武装,从此脱离童年踏上了新的征途。
解放战争初期,解放军某部排长张志坚(张平 饰)率部掩护部队转移,在与敌激战几昼夜后,弹尽粮绝,张志坚命令战士们从断崖处突围。由于负伤动不了,张志坚、炊事员老王(杜德夫 饰)和连部通信员刘海泉(孙羽 饰)及战土齐得贵(张锡奇 饰)落入敌手。敌政工处长(李林 饰)为了查找我部队转移前埋藏的兵工厂器械和粮食,对他们三人用尽酷刑,并对张排长实施了美人计,均无结果。又让叛徒齐得贵对老王和小刘进行劝降,也不奏效。丧心病狂的敌人抓来了张志坚的母亲(胡朋 饰),演出了母子相看对方受刑的“苦肉计”,亦未奏效。最后,老王因伤重去世,小刘也壮烈牺牲,张志坚面临着巨大的考验...... 本片根据歌剧《钢骨铁筋》改编。
司马辽太郎名作《峠》首度映像化,著名导演小泉尧史执导,役所广司&仲代达矢&松隆子超豪华共演。 《峠》讲述了幕末风云人物---越后长冈藩家老-河井継之助的传奇人生,役所广司将扮演河井継之助,松隆子扮演其妻子。 田中泯、香川京子、佐々木蔵之介、坂東龍汰,永山絢斗、榎木孝明、渡辺大、矢島健一,山本學、井川比佐志、東出昌大、吉岡秀隆参演。电影将于9月在新泻长冈开拍,影片中最重要“北越战争”场景将有5000人群众演员参加拍摄。 影片将于2020年公映。
The winter of 1917, the North-East front, the final clashes of the Great War. An Italian stronghold situated at 1800 metres above sea level, on the Asiago plateau, described in the novels of Mario Rigoni Stern. It’s snowing everywhere; the Austrian trenches are so close that you can hear the enemy soldiers breathing.
A hundred years since the outbreak of World War I, maestro Ermanno Olmi describes with Torneranno i prati his vision of a conflict that cost the lives of 16 million human beings, just as it was brought back to him by the memory of his father, called to arms at 19 years of age, to find himself within the bloodbath of Carso and Piave. A drama that scarred his youth and the rest of his life, just like millions of others.