2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Rachel a 40 ans, pas d'enfant. Elle aime sa vie : ses élèves du lycée, ses amis, ses ex, ses cours de guitare. En tombant amoureuse d’Ali, elle s’attache à Leila, sa fille de 4 ans. Elle la borde, la soigne, et l’aime comme la sienne. Mais aimer les enfants des autres, c’est un risque à prendre…

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Deux vampires font du stop sur les routes de France. Leur objectif: Marinaleda, une petite ville d’Andalousie. Suite à un quiproquo, ils rencontrent Lise-Marine, une jeune femme qui leur propose de les héberger pour la nuit. Elle découvre qu’ils sont des vampires et ils passent la soirée à discuter, autour d’une bonne bouteille de vin.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  影片改编自保罗·加利科同名畅销小说。20世纪50年代伦敦一位丧偶的家政女工(莱丝利·曼维尔 饰),因疯狂爱上一件迪奥高级定制连衣裙,并决心自己也要拥有一件,继而踏上了一场前往巴黎的冒险。而这趟旅程不仅将改变她的人生面貌,也将重塑迪奥的未来。

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2022 喜剧片 丰满


2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 超龄

65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7-year-old grandson Aadith's visit to India gives him a new lease of life. When all attempts to bond with the superhero fanatic Aadith fail, Ganeshan and his retired friends join in the madness of pretending to be a superhero league. The idea works like a charm. Little Aadit...

2022 喜剧片 剧情

For some reason, forever young and always immaculately dressed, Koschey has been unable to find a bride for three hundred years. He intimidated, and kidnapped, and turned various princesses into frogs, but these courtship did not help the prince of darkness. Meanwhile, the beautiful hero Varvara only does what she fights off in the arena from suitors who covet her dowry. Howeve...

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2022 喜剧片 剧情

  本片改编自杰森·法冈在《赫芬顿邮报》发表的文章 ,讲述了一桩真实故事:退休的杰瑞·塞尔比发现了马萨诸塞州彩票中的一个数学漏洞,在妻子玛吉的帮助下,赢得了2700万美元。他们用这笔钱振兴了自己的密歇根小镇。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

Jagteshwar(Tarsem Jassar 饰)是一名图书管理员,患有强迫性人格障碍(OCPD),无论是在工作还是在家中,他周围的人都已经接受了这一点。当大自然中意气风发的女孩 Amberdeep(Wamiqa Gabbi 饰)和 Jagteshwar 同住一个屋檐时,意识形态发生冲突,事情发生了变化。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Neneh is a little 12-year-old black girl. Born to dance, she dreams of gaining entry to the Paris Opera ballet school. Despite her enthusiasm, she will need to work twice as hard to escape her condition and gain acceptance from Marianne Bellage, the director of the establishment and an upholder of traditions, who hides a secret connecting her to the little ballerina…

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2022 喜剧片 剧情

该片编剧为法雷利和《绿皮书》的联合编剧Brian Currie及Pete Jones(《嘿咻卡》),改编自纪实书《The Greatest Beer Run Ever: A True Story of Friendship Stronger Than War》,讲述John "Chickie" Donohue的真实故事:越南战争时期的1967年,26岁的前美国海军陆战队成员Donohue从纽约出发,去越南寻找正在当兵的三个儿时好友,给他们送去啤酒。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

前往日本当AV女优的丽丝爱爱(夏于乔 饰)与小红莓(吴映洁 饰),因为不幸遇到“AV界的寒冬”,没钱赚的两人只好认命回台湾,阴错阳差之下加入摔角俱乐部,与摔角高手(黄心娣 饰)不打不相识,在经历重重考验后三人组成“莓人爱”摔角团体,开启三人的摔角之路。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announc ed, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape formula proves to be a success and they make enough for the concert tickets. However, unbeknownst to them - their all-natural vape juice has turned many drug addicts sober and this is causing a demand issue for the drug cartel bosses. This in turn starts a zany and hilarious chain of events that will change the ladies' lives forever.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri's got massive shoes to fill. But it's hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial crisis after her mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which goes viral, for all the wrong reasons. Bri soon finds herself at the center of a controversy, portrayed by the media, but with an eviction notice staring down her family, Bri doesn't just want to make it, she has to. Even if it means becoming the very thing the public has made her out to be.

2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 剧情

  單身許久的中年男子阿三終於再次心動了,但卻遲遲無法對玉蓮展開行動。多年陪伴在阿三身邊,隱忍多年、不離不棄的好友⋯⋯也就是他的雞雞,真的受不了啦! 頹軟的雞雞化身變成人,誓言要把阿三的廢物人生砍掉重練!阿三與他的雞雞上演一場理性與感性、大頭與小頭的廝殺大戰。

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2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Set against the backdrop of a working farm in rural Northern Ireland, 'An Irish Goodbye' is a black comedy following the reunion of estranged brothers Turlough (Seamus O’Hara) and Lorcan (James Martin) following the untimely death of their mother (Michelle Fairley).
  Under the watchful eye of odd-ball parish priest Father O’Shea (Paddy Jenkins), the brothers’ pained reunion is worsened by the fact Turlough must now make new care arrangements for Lorcan, who has Down Syndrome. But when the brothers discover an unfulfilled bucket list belonging to their late mother, Lorcan senses an opportunity: he’ll only agree to leave the farm once he and Turlough have themselves completed every single wish on their mother’s list…all one-hundred of them.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Dante has a beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Alice, but he has a bad one with Time: absorbed by the many commitments of his daily life, he always arrives late and has the impression that his life is flowing too quickly. It also happens on the first day of his forty years, when Dante shows up hours late at his birthday party. According to him, the solution seems at hand: if he works hard enough, maybe in a few years he will be able to buy some time.

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2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 剧情

  当你过年要见对方家长,却因与母亲存有隔阂无法解决,你会怎么做?春节将近,首席广告创意总监李朝阳(王冠逸饰)与企划总监刘子虹(刘雅瑟 饰)准备拍摄一支广告,可是在客户的要求下改为直播自己家的除夕团圆饭。二人虽然到了谈婚论嫁的阶段但一直未与对方家长见面,朝阳也与母亲李艳玲(向云 饰)不相往来,这可给朝阳出了一道难题,于是他突发奇想请了一群演员扮演自己的亲戚,这场充满欢笑与感动的故事也由此开启:未来岳父刘兰亭(郭亮饰)提前抵达,演员舅舅威哥(李国煌 饰)、演员母亲章爱家(朱咪咪 饰)、演员表弟AK(迪达思 饰)与朝阳缺少排练致使笑料不断;母亲不忍拆穿儿子,不得不成为“奶妈”为儿子送上祝福,这一路笑与泪共存,多年误会能否通过一顿团圆饭解开……

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  落魄中年魏平安(大鹏 饰)以直播带货卖墓地为生,他的客户韩露(宋茜 饰)过世后被造谣抹黑,魏平安路见不平,辟谣跑断腿,笑料频出,反转不断,而他自己也因此陷入到新的谣言和网暴之中。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  A manhunt for a fruit? Is this real life or just fantasy? How will this bizarre case unfold? We can’t wait to witness it.

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2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Nathalie Adler is on a mission for the EU in Sicily. She organizes the next visit of Macron and Merkel to a migrant camp. Their presence has a high symbolic value to show that everything is under control. But who still wants to believe in this European family on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Probably not Albert, Nathalie's son, an NGO activist who arrives without warning. He, moreover, no longer believes in his mother.

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2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Facing her first Christmas as a single mother, Julie develops an unexpected friendship with an older neighbor.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own.

2022 喜剧片 剧情


2022 喜剧片 剧情

  小熊和独角兽之间的战争已经持续很久很久,大群小熊们在训练营中接受严苛的军事化训练,并被告知“独角兽们都是恶魔”,此后投身战场。而其实,Private Bluet渴求独角兽的血是因有预言透露它能交换永恒的美丽。一支小熊军队离开了训练营去执行一项任务,结局将是一场残忍的、灾难性的大战。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.
  What follows is no traditional action film, but a thriller with snatches of comedy, in which the enemy isn’t hidden behind masks, but is in the minds of the liberators. Before they act, they have to overcome their personal demons. Comparisons to the school hostage-takings in Beslan and Kazan are obvious, yet Karatas – the mythical village where much of director Adilkhan Yerzhanov’s work is set – could be anywhere. It is universally acknowledged that crises bring out people's true natures.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  雨屋草太(井浦新 饰)和发小星野乐人(成田凌 饰)踏上了寻找都市传说“火鸟”的旅途。一路上他们邂逅了各色各样的人,与此同时,草太和乐人的秘密也随之一点一点地浮出水面。这趟旅行背后的原因到底是什么?为什么是“火鸟” ?一个巨大的惊喜正在终点等着他们。

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal events around him.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Ethan and his best friend Justin are students trying to make sense of their high school existence. In what will be the last chapter of their teenage lives and the beginning of adulthood beyond, they decide to make the ultimate senior video in the search for answers. Exploring teenage suburbia in a no-brakes adventure, questions arise whether there’s more to their lives than simply growing up.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  墨彩宁(张善南 饰)是一名普通的高中学生,因为班主任(王天宇 饰)就是自家小姨,所以自己的一举一动都逃不过小姨的法眼,平日只好伪装成乖乖学生,但本质上却是一个不折不扣的追星达人。转校生顾天琦(李明源 饰)的到来让她本来平静的生活发生了巨大转变,她发现这位引人注目的同桌竟是偶像顾云凡(区天瑞 饰)的亲弟弟,在顾天琦的嘱咐下,墨彩宁答应保守住这个秘密。可特殊身份的消息还是不胫而走,也因此与闺蜜张公主(郭素洁 饰)产生了误会,为了能让张公主不再难过、顾天琦不再转学,墨彩宁与同学袁迟(范云飞 饰)、同学童辉(李炎峰 饰)等人团结一心解决了困扰。在相处中,墨彩宁决心要成为像顾天琦一样优秀的人。转眼到了寒假,在盛大的烟花下大家树立了各自的人生目标,带着珍贵的友谊走向憧憬的未来……

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2022 喜剧片 剧情

A miracle independent film capturing the growth of a single baby over a period of 3 years.   The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a letter from Michio's ex-girlfriend. They name the child "Don-chan" and embark on the journey of raising her, despite their initial confusion. ...

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  Ambitious mid-life careerist Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being calibrated for success, Hanna is set on getting it all back. But getting there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.
  "The Year I Started Masturbating" is Erika Wasserman's (Silent Roar, Border) first full-length film as director.