Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beautiful love story. However, nothing is as simple as it would seem. Being influenced by three men with strong personalities, Aprilia needs to find the balance between adulthood and the choices of a young girl's heart. It's Christmas time and life holds for this talented beautiful girl only the presents that she is strong enough to grab.
时间指向2015年,林萧(杨幂 饰)和陆烧(陈学冬 饰)在焰火盛放的外滩拥吻。这则花边新闻直接影响M.E.的经营,叶传萍(王琳 饰)强势入主,宫洺(锦荣 饰)形同傀儡,他对林萧的情感不易察觉,同时似乎也没有注意到南湘(郭碧婷 饰)的脉脉含情。叶传萍盛气凌人,质问顾里(郭采洁 饰)盛古亏空四个亿的情况,却始终没有攻破顾里的防线。与此同时,深陷财务危机的顾里被诊断患有子宫癌,精神和肉体的打击让这个倔强的女孩濒临崩溃。走入社会,进入职场,林萧、顾里、南湘、唐宛如(谢依霖 饰)、顾准(任言恺 饰)、Neil(李贤宰 饰)等好朋友被卷入充满尔虞我诈的漩涡之中,她们的友情和爱情也将承受前所未有的考验…… 本片根据郭敬明的同名原作改编。