2017 剧情片 剧情


2008 剧情片 剧情

在一座远离喧嚣都市的僻静山村,生活着一个普通6口家庭。小男孩吉米(Ridge Canipe 饰)周游在乡村各个角落,体会大自然的快意,间或帮助父母照顾山米(Holden Thomas Maynard 饰)、凯希(Kali Majors 饰)、纳森(Aiden Kersh 饰)这三个弟妹。他们的父亲(Joel Bryant 饰)是一个卡车司机,粗线条的男人自然很难感知妻子的辛劳。留守家中的母亲(Colleen Porch 饰)必须照顾一家人的起居用行,枯燥无聊且压力巨大的生活让这个女人的精神濒临崩溃。直到某天,悲剧终于在这个家中发生了。襁褓中的小内森通体冰冷,愤怒的妈妈又试图溺死凯希。   曾经温柔可亲的妈妈化身为恶魔,懂事善良的吉米该如何保护弟弟妹妹们呢……

2022 剧情片 剧情

Followed by Darby Harper, who is granted the ability to see ghosts after suffering a near death experience in her childhood. Then, she runs a side business counseling local spirits in her spare time.

2022 剧情片 剧情

A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling her to leave.

2021 剧情片 惊悚

A group of friends find themselves hunted down in the caves by a creature... from another world.