2021 剧情片 剧情

哥伦比亚的古老圣地——苏马帕斯帕拉莫是世界上最大的高山苔原生态系统,也是首都 1100 万居民的饮用水源。在保护这处“只可远观,不可亵玩”的圣地时,居民们还得忍受其严酷的气候。由于人迹罕至,苏马帕斯已变成法外之地和罪犯的藏身之所,于是守卫F与父亲和其他当地人承担起了守护山脉的任务。

2021 剧情片 歌舞

Javi, a young rent boy living in Madrid, comes to a sauna club looking for a job. But soon he'll find out a place full of secrets, the biggest of them being a strange man who will fall in love with him: the Phantom of the Sauna.

2021 剧情片 剧情

Bilbao, 1984. In a time of industrial reconversion, within a closed society and an oppressive environment, Kepa, a young working class, decides to fight for his dreams and the flight of his spirit, but the cruel reality will make him fall.

2021 剧情片 剧情

Diego is the victim of a hit and run. His family is unable to pay for the surgeries needed to keep him alive. Pablo, Diego's brother, forms a soccer team and enters a tournament to win the prize money and save his brother's life.