Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion, when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life. What counts are not just the things that change, but also those that stay the same.
项白因捉弄县令被捕,彩英为求情陷入林素与 二皇子的阴谋中,因彩英与红衣长相颇为相 似,林素使其冒充彩戏国师红衣。项白出狱 后,为解救青梅竹马彩英前往顺京,循着线索 潜入云机社。红衣心腹周方被林素买通加害红 衣,却阴差阳错地被项白当成是彩英而救下。 红衣施展彩戏大法,醒来后失忆,只当自己是 彩英一路跟着项白及好友公输盘逃脱追杀,三 人来到公输盘家乡黑水村。黑水村民尽是亡国 遗民,项白等人在其恳求下同意解救在顺京为 质的夏帝,却没想到夏帝早已安于现状,众人 失落离开。红衣记起自己身份,识破林素偷天 换日的阴谋。项白和红衣决定兵分两路,解救 彩英并揭发林素阴谋,可惜因夏帝出卖,林素 早有准备,二皇子成功篡位,彩英也死于林素 之手……
In fabulous travels in time, back to the time of the samurai, young Hana, unhappy and tormented in the present days, can finally finding her place in the world. One day, she dreams of another young girl who lived in the past. Unexpectedly, the following day, she is taken by mysterious government agents. Who are convinced that her dreams may save the world. With a surprising colour treatment, a clear narrative takes us to the past or the future through the fine acting of the young Aoi It.
丈夫何山凭空消失了十年后,苔花(蒋勤勤 饰)正要迈进新生,但命运却把她推向了另一重绝境——她前脚被情人(陈建斌 饰)母亲从采茶园赶走,后脚就被最亲近的好姐妹金兰骗进了传销组织“蝴蝶国际”。母亲沉迷其中,让一边寻父一边救母的儿子目莲(吴磊 饰)身心疲惫,而蝴蝶国际却如藤蔓疯长一般,将恶魔的种子根植在无数百姓心中。苔花也摇身一变,从衣着打扮到言行举止都宛如“新生”,疯癫的举动让目莲感到诧异。母亲如蝴蝶一般翩翩于梦中之际,儿子想尽一切办法奋力解救……这座人间炼狱究竟该怎样逃脱?现代版“目连救母”能否成功?