2023 剧情片 剧情

  Sorn, an ethnic Shan sex worker, copes with his bitter reality in Chiang Mai, Thailand by
  imagining himself in his clients’ lives. He is drawn into a complex relationship with one client, a police officer investigating a political activist, even as he tries to build a future of his own as a refugee far from home.

2023 剧情片 剧情

  20 多岁的奥伊在曼谷老城区开了一家炒面馆。有一天,她收到了一份邀请 — 离开家里的炒面馆并加入“饥饿”团队。这是泰国排名第一的豪华主厨团队,由有才但没品的主厨保罗领导。