泰国爆笑鬼喜剧再现,深夜课辅小心身旁陌生同学,钟声响起前背好书包快闪。 校园甜心千金星星(瑞斯丽巴伦西嘉雅 饰)在英文测验中被当掉,为求顺利毕业,星星威胁利诱教授以取得PASS资格,结果不止被断然拒绝,还要求她携伴前往「午夜教室」上课,可这间教育中心有个令人闻风丧胆的传说,传闻每当午夜12点鐘声响起,就有冥界朋友前来签到上课。 为取得合格不择手段、不惜与鬼同班的她,找来天使帮助阵,大蒜、十字架、佛珠齐上阵,还是抵不过周围死寂的气氛,说好的朋友一生一起走却走成我寂寞寂寞就好,好险她有备案,找来噗咙共同学共组上课敢死队,派对动物猪仔、小虾、魷鱼三个大活宝,不信邪揪怪咖摄影师阿宅午夜来摄鬼,鬼是「摄」到但胆也破了,大粉丝万派无条件追随,却追到差点被鬼夺吻,神秘男子阿坤屡次英雄救美,竟藏著不可告人的秘密。到底这堂课会修成『毕业快乐』还是『毙夜快乐』?
Nack is a 17 year old boy whose life focuses only on studying. Stepping into the last year of high school, he begins to feel lonely and pressured. As graduation and entrance examination grow closer and closer, he begins to learn about sex and love for the first time in his life. He has to face the questions about the morality of his homosexual love. What will he do?