Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers about to steal their youth.
《父亲的荣耀》和《母亲的城堡》是20世纪初发生普罗旺斯小山村里的温馨故事,这两部电影均改编自Marcel Pagnol写的自传体小说,讲述作者回忆童年时光的琐事,也叫《初渡艳阳天》和《再见艳阳天》。《父亲的荣耀》的剧情描述马歇儿一家人及姨丈一家在民风淳朴的普罗旺斯地区合租了一幢别墅度暑假,其间发生了不少趣事,令马歇儿深深爱上了这块土地。故事一开始介绍了这一家人的生活,爸爸是个古板的老师,妈妈总是担心马歇儿看太多书头会爆炸,而马歇儿偏偏成天找书看,甚至是菜谱,姨丈是个爱吹牛的公务员。
本片系马塞尔·帕格诺尔(Marcel Pagnol)的童年回忆,改编自法国名作家马歇儿童年逸事的散文式喜剧,与《妈妈的城堡》均由伊维斯·罗勃特导演,是姊妹作。这是令人感到内心愉悦的成长喜剧,外景风光诗情画意。另外,普罗旺斯也就是《屋顶上的骑兵》的故事发生地点。
理查德(让·杜雅尔丹 Jean Dujardin 饰)和克莱尔(阿涅丝·布朗肖 Agnès Blanchot 饰)结婚多年,两人膝下养育着可爱的小女儿,日子在平静之中充满了幸福。理查德是一名警察,克莱尔则是麻醉医师,两人的工作都十分繁忙,因此年幼的女儿常常必须面对独自待在家中的情境。
悲剧就这样发生了,一个心理变态的罪犯潜入了家中,将女孩蹂躏杀死,经此噩耗,这个完满的家庭崩溃了。很快,嫌疑人艾克曼(劳伦特·卢卡斯 Laurent Lucas 饰)被捉拿归案,尽管证据并不完备,但艾克曼还是被判处了三十年的刑期。就当众人以为事件就此告一段落之时,艾克曼寄给理查德的一封信却改变了一切。
I can see people will either love or hate this movie, depending on your own experiences and loves. Its basically about a incredibly obese police officer coming to terms with his own mortality (he is given a year to live at the start of the movie). It has other bits and pieces in the plot (love, mystery etc), but these are not the central ideal of the movie.
I found myself crying in many parts of this movie, for myself being fat (and have been my entire life... of course not to the degree of the main actor, but to a degree which has caused bullying my entire life) this story hits very close to home. And some of the subtle emotional behind the scene's stuff here definitely adds to the mood.
Anyone who has had any sort of eating disorder (over or under eating whatever) will recognise things in this movie, and will more then likely be in tears by the first 30 minutes of the movie.
《梵高》(Van Gogh,莫里斯-皮亚拉,1991年/158分钟/彩色。一部关于绘画创作的激动人心的影片,表现了著名画家梵高生命中最后67天的非常经历,也剖析了画面自伤自杀的异常行为,正是在精神疾病的严重困扰中他完成了《向日葵》等惊世之作)
皮埃尔(丹尼尔·奥图 Daniel Auteuil 饰)和安妮(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)结婚数年,两人共同养育着他们的孩子,一家人看上去生活在幸福和美满之中,但是实际上,真相却要残忍的多。近日里,安妮的表现越来越奇怪,她避免和皮埃尔进行任何的身体接触,整日里心不在焉的不知道在想些什么,这引起了皮埃尔的警觉。