2008 剧情片 剧情

马努医生(朗贝尔·维尔森 Lambert Wilson 饰)和菲利普律师(帕斯卡·埃尔贝 Pascal Elbé 饰)是一对同性恋人,共同走过风风雨雨,两人感情十分要好。一直以来,马努都希望能和菲利普一同领养他们“爱情的结晶”,可这个“结晶”对于菲利普来说不过是又一个麻烦罢了。   暗地里,马努找到了名叫菲娜(碧拉尔·洛佩兹·德·阿亚拉 Pilar López de Ayala 饰)阿根廷女人,菲娜愿意帮马努生孩子,但作为交换条件,她希望能够和马努结婚以取得合法国籍。一边是心爱的恋人,一边是亲爱的孩子,夹在中间的马努不知该何去何从。他的心愿能否成真?他又将如何处理菲利普和菲娜之间的尴尬关系呢?

2014 剧情片 剧情

罗拉(朱莉·德博纳 Julie de Bona 饰)回到了久违的故乡,来到了她出生成长的地方——马尼昂庄园。一直以来,母亲的死如同乌云一样笼罩着罗拉,罗拉非常想要搞清楚这一整件事情背后的缘由。回到了故乡的罗拉发现死亡的阴影无时不刻的环绕着她,在溶洞游玩时的遇险和小男孩本杰明(亚历山大·福雷 Alexandre Furet 饰)的死亡让罗拉更加坚信,在这座表明平静的小镇背后,一定隐藏着什么不为人知的秘密。   随着罗拉调查的深入,她发现一切的死亡时间都和她的祖父有着千丝万缕的关联。罗拉的祖父是一个四处留情的花花公子,而如今,他的私生子们为了争夺家产,犯下了一桩又一桩无法挽回的罪行。

2023 剧情片 剧情


2023 剧情片 剧情

  Madagascar, au tournant des années 1960 et des années 1970. Sur une base aérienne de l’armée française, les militaires vivent les dernières années insouciantes di colonialisme. Influencé par ses lectures de Fantômette, Thomas, un enfant qui n’a pas encore 10 ans, se forge progressivement un regard sur le monde qui l’entoure…

2023 剧情片 剧情


1968 剧情片 剧情


2022 剧情片 短片

  After embarking as a passenger onboard a cargo ship returning to Europe he begins to question his sanity and the very understanding of his perception of time in this romantic psychological thriller at sea. After a brief encounter with one of the shipmates, James, Christopher settles into life on board the ship. His life quickly falls into a routine that shapes his day-to-day existence, mirroring the monotony of the ship’s passage through open waters.

2020 剧情片 剧情

  An occupational nurse attempts to blow the whistle on toxic waste leaking from a chemical plant.

2021 剧情片 剧情

  《唤醒野兽》似乎借镜了魔幻现实主义的文学潮流,描绘了一名年轻女子被陌生力量穿越后的野蛮体验。这部片由保利娜·洛里拉德(Pauline Lorillard)和路易·克里斯蒂亚尼(Louis Cristiani)共同演绎一段关于自由、发现自我及放弃自我的奇异故事。

1989 剧情片 剧情

  The film (and the acting) is superbly done, but the story is intense. I like it for its' dark, thick, "Cul du Sac" psychology but it is certainly not for everyone for that very reason. Set in isolated, rural France makes this film all the more desperate.
  The film is about strenuous relationships, loyalty - and despair. It is about accepting hardships without really understanding them. It is also about pity and how it is to be distinguished from love and admiration. I've seen many French films with the same intensity and I'm guessing that it will be mostly the French who will enjoy this film.
  The acting is superb in this film – if you're in the right state of mind and don't loose your concentration. Jean-François Stevenin ALWAYS impresses me. He doesn't disappoint me here either. For general audiences, however, I'd recommend his performance in "Deux Lions au Soleil" which is much more easily palatable than "Peux de Vaches".
  Despite the fact that I like "Peux de Vaches", I have difficulties recommending it to anyone other than French audiences and perhaps someone with a morose demeanor.

2018 剧情片 剧情

  弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞([触不可及])加盟新片[红项圈](Le Collier rouge,暂译)。电影由让·贝克([与玛格丽特的午后])执导。故事发生在1919年的一个小镇,一位战争英雄被囚禁在废弃的兵营里,而一个受过良好教育的年轻妇女则沦为农民,她受够了土地上的工作。这一 切都将由一位法官来处理。

2022 剧情片 剧情

  Addressed to her 18-year-old daughter, the film delves into the patchwork psyche of today's young girls, connected to an infinite flow of ubiquitous Youtube tutorials (a formidable “expert” in just about everything and everything. anything, played by Julia Faure), Zoom discussions between girlfriends where we try to decide who is the coolest between Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, dollhouses where Barbie and Ken discuss for long minutes on love and its multiple abjections… The film is placed under the auspices of Gilles Deleuze and his conference at La Fémis (“the Dream is a terrible will to power”), which has almost become a pop object in its own right with the internet.

2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 剧情片 剧情
