2009 剧情片 剧情

不幸的童年经历让十六岁的少年于贝尔(泽维尔·多兰 Xavier Dolan 饰)早早过上了同母亲(安妮·杜尔瓦勒 Anne Dorval 饰)相依为命的生活,然而,随着年龄的增长和叛逆期的到来,于贝尔渐渐发现,自己和母亲之间开始变得越来越难以沟通,两人之间的距离渐行渐远 。   内心充满了痛苦和矛盾,于贝尔开始了艰难的尝试,企图重塑他和母亲之间破裂的亲情与信任,可是,就在于贝尔的努力逐渐产生成效之时,他和同性男友安东尼(弗朗柯斯·阿诺德 Fran?ois Arnaud 饰)之间的关系曝光了,这让他同母亲之间的关系再次回归了冰点之下。在安东尼的帮助下,于贝尔从寄宿学校出逃,偌大的天地之间,他能够寻找到一片得以藏身其中的小小天地吗?

2009 剧情片 剧情

故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市纽约,这里的博物馆正在举办一场宴会,让参加宴会的众人没有想到的是,四位不速之客骑着高头大马闯入了大厅,并且抢走了博物馆所收藏的一件展品。之后,四具尸体被市民发现,而他们抢走的展品却下落不明。   身处现场亲身经历了这一场混乱的苔丝(米拉·索维诺 Mira Sorvino 饰)敏感的察觉到了此事有异常。她联手FBI派出的警探达利(斯考特·佛雷 Scott Foley 饰)决心彻查整个事件,并就此挖掘出了隐藏在十字军骑士团中不为人知的黑暗秘密。与此同时,一位名叫马丁(Stéphane Demers 饰)的骑士渐渐浮出了水面,他是最后一名幸存的圣殿骑士,在他的身上,或许存在着解开谜团的钥匙。

2009 剧情片 剧情

In a dark forest, an ancient European ritual is about to take place. A battle is brewing between the power-hungry Celts, the rampaging Vikings, the secretive wood elves and the mysterious shaman Murtagh (Trevor Hayes). The night has finally come for Murtagh to unleash his latest fiendish scheme. But in the heat of battle, the worst happens: one of his men is hit five times and ...

2009 剧情片 剧情

5150 ELM'S WAY is located at the end of a quiet street in a small town. When Yannick fell off his bike, he knocked at the door of the Beaulieu residence so he could clean the blood off his hands. But Jack Beaulieu and his family had other plans for Ian. Beaulieu is a righteous psychopath and fanatic chess player who wants to rid the world of evil. And even though Ian has done n...
