2014 纪录片 纪录

The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. This special episode of Horizon meets the scientists and doctors from all around the world looking for the cure and hears first-hand accounts of what it's actually like to catch - and survive - this terrible disease.

2014 纪录片 纪录

Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Every year, humans raise and eat 65 billion animals - nine animals for every person on the globe. In this eye-opening documentary, Michael examines the impact that this is having on the planet and finds out what meat eco-friendly carnivores should be buying. Is it better to buy free-range organic or factory-farmed meat?...

2014 纪录片 纪录

Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Are those barbecue favourites like burgers and sausages really that bad? Should we all go vegetarian instead?   Michael uncovers the latest science and puts it to the test on a high-meat diet. Will eating beef and bacon every day be bad for him? What meat should a healthy carnivore be buying?

2014 纪录片 纪录

They are the miracle pills that shouldn't really work at all. Placebos come in all shapes and sizes, but they contain no active ingredient. Now they are being shown to help treat pain, depression and even alleviate some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Horizon explores why they work, and how we could all benefit from the hidden power of the placebo.

2014 纪录片 纪录


2014 纪录片 纪录

In April 2013, chaos erupted in Boston near the finish line of one of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathons. It was the worst terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11 and led to one of the most extensive and public manhunts in American history. Now, as the one-year anniversary approaches, National Geographic Channel presents a special two-hour event, Inside ...

2014 纪录片 纪录

A fascinating exploration of one of the most significant moments in gothic history - the night when Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and their cohorts gathered together in Lake Geneva to tell ghost stories. The night when Frankenstein and the modern vampire were born.   All those involved in the events of the summer of 1816 wrote about their life-changing stay in Switzerland. This dramat...

2014 纪录片 纪录

近年英國氣候越發極端,颶風頻頻來襲,2013年冬天更錄得有史以來最高的降雨量。超強寒流的來襲,亦曾令英國以往的冬天錄得攝氏零下22度的低溫。   英國廣播公司(BBC)科學紀錄片《地平線》(Horizon)系列的《天氣反常了?》,由物理學家Helen Czerski和氣象學家  John Hammond主持,為你詳細講解高速氣流(jet stream)與英國反常氣候的關係。

2014 纪录片 纪录

The life and work of the Canadian cartoonist, Gregory Gallant aka Seth.

2014 纪录片 纪录

On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. It killed 11 workers and caused the worst oil spill in American history. The explosion still haunts the lives of those most intimately affected, though the story has long ago faded from the front page. At once a fascinating corporate thriller, a heartbreaking human drama and a peek inside the walls...

2014 纪录片 纪录

The pygmy hippo is one of nature's last great mysteries. Solitary, secretive and extremely hard to find, scientists know almost nothing about this endangered animal in the wild and what it needs to survive. Now, a young Australian ecologist, Wei-Yeen Yap, is taking on what could be 'mission impossible'. In a remote West African rainforest, Wei investigates the secret life of th...

2014 纪录片 纪录


2014 纪录片 纪录

The Hidden Story - Secret History: New evidence rewrites the Great Wall of China's history, decodes its complex signals system and reveals the surprise ingredient that's kept it standing.

2014 纪录片 纪录


2014 纪录片 纪录

In the spring of 1984, a strange new comic book sat beside cash registers in select shops, too big to fit in the racks, and too weird to ignore. Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles presented a completely original breed of super hero. It was too bizarre, too crazy. It broke all the rules and should never have worked. Until it sold out. Again and again and again. For...

2014 纪录片 纪录

为了庆祝漫威75周年,《神盾局特工》所在的ABC电视台于11月4日播出特别节目:“Marvel 75 Years: From Pulp to Pop!” 节目将回顾漫威这75年的历史,并且展望未来的发展,节目将由《复仇》女主,也就是《美国队长:冬日战士》特工13/Sharon扮演者——艾米丽·万凯普(Emily VanCamp)主持。

2014 纪录片 纪录


2014 纪录片 纪录

A short about what happens under and around us. A chipmunk and a small mouse go on an adventure; they grow and learn about life and its obstacles.

2014 纪录片 纪录

BBC重磅出击,由David Attenborough带领我们再一次探索神奇的生命。《生命故事》,讲述了动物为了生存做出的种种挣扎。   本片是BBC第一部全程采用4K摄像机拍摄的纪录片。

2014 纪录片 纪录

威尼斯是观光重点,终年游人如织,不过只要稍微离开市区,威尼斯仍然保有充满野性的一面。威尼斯东边的泻湖是很多野生动物的栖息地 ,水中有海棉、海葵、鱿鱼和剃刀鱼,而泻湖周围可以发现超过60种鸟类的踪迹,河中蕴含众多生物。在威尼斯的小巷中,很多大宅的后花园是也充满了生命力,这 里是貂与爬虫类的秘密天堂,小型猛禽隼在废弃的修道院中筑巢,在附近猎食,“野性威尼斯”将让我们发现观光客看不到了另一面。

2014 纪录片 真人


2014 纪录片 真人


2014 纪录片 真人

  前海豹队队长乔尔·兰伯特与世界上最精锐的追踪队伍展开较量。 在每一集中,乔尔都面临着一项艰巨的任务:被弃未知的荒野,除了基本的生存工具和饮用水,他仅有36个小时达到预定的撤离点,而且每周都将有一只跟踪队伍对他进行跟踪。 在那些偏僻诡异但跟踪队却如履平地的地方,乔尔必须设陷阱,分散追踪队注意力,从而躲避追踪。此外,他还要利用10年海豹突击队积累的野外生存经验,完成野外生存挑战。

2014 纪录片 纪录


2014 纪录片 纪录

  第七季 (播出目录) (2014)    Season 07 
  S07E01 外星人与星门  Aliens and Stargates  (2014年01月24日播出)
  S07E02 美洲外星人  Aliens in America  (2014年01月31日播出)
  S07E03 星际儿童  The Star Children  (2014年02月07日播出)
  S07E04 神之宝藏  Treasures of the Gods  (2014年02月14日播出)
  S07E05 外星人与红色星球  Aliens and the Red Planet  (2014年02月21日播出)
  S07E06 外星人与萨满  The Shamans  (2014年02月28日播出)
  S07E07 外星人与昆虫  Aliens and Insects  (2014年03月07日播出)
  S07E08 外星人与异形  Alien Breeders  (2014年03月14日播出)

2014 纪录片 纪录

  01-禁洞Forbidden Caves
  02-狮身人面像之谜Mysteries of the Sphinx
  03-外星人就在身边Aliens Among Us
  04-天才要素The Genius Factor
  05-木乃伊之谜Secrets of the Mummies
  06-外星复活术Alien Resurrections
  07-外星人的信息Alien Messages
  08-大洪水The Great Flood
  09-外星人与内战Aliens and the Civil War
  10-隐藏的金字塔Hidden Pyramids
  11-神秘失踪The Vanishings
  12-外星计划The Alines Agenda

2014 纪录片 纪录

  Recovering from a very public divorce, independent filmmaker and Italian Prince Tao Ruspoli takes to the road to talk to his relatives, advice columnists, psychologists, historians, anthropologists, artists, philosophers, sex workers, sex therapists, and ordinary couples about love, sex & monogamy in our culture. What he discovers about his very unconventional family, and about the history and psychology of love and marriage leads him to question the ideal of monogamy, and the traditional family values that go with it.