1984 动画片 喜剧

Baron Munchausen is informed by an astrologer cousin of his about the Selenites, an extraterrestrial race which is native to the Earth's Moon ("Selene" in Greek). The Selenites have reportedly discovered the secret to immortality. The Baron organizes an expedition to the Moon, hoping to convince them to share the secret with him. He and his companions arrive just as another ali...

2014 动画片 喜剧

为我们带来《青蛙的预言》、《我的小行星》、《米芽米咕人》等一系列佳作的法国实力动画导演雷米·杰瑞德,今年将推出其新作《Tante Hilda!》(法国/卢森堡)。影片仍将由杰瑞德的长期合作伙伴——法国疯影工作室负责主要的制作工作。影片被赋予了和杰瑞德以往影片一样的画面的质感与魅力,细腻中流露浪漫,朦胧中透出真实,这个关于两姐妹的喜剧也将为杰瑞德的导演生涯画上句号。