2024 恐怖片 惊悚

Malina wakes up disoriented in the trunk of a speeding car and discovers to her horror that she is missing more than her memory. With her mobile phone as the only link to the outside world, she wages a desperate battle for survival.

2024 恐怖片 悬疑


2024 恐怖片 恐怖

★轟動全球!最炙手可熱的驚悚小說名家B.A.芭莉絲,《紐約時報》《今日美國》《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷作家心理驚悚力作!   ★出道即巔峰!B.A.芭莉絲繼暢銷出道作《關上門以後》榮獲最佳心理驚悚小說後,最扣人心弦的驚悚力作!   ★改編自《紐約時報》暢銷冠軍小說《崩潰》,年度最扣人心弦的心理驚悚電影。   ★入選Bustle網站2017年最令人期待的驚悚小說!   ★英、美Amazon書店、Goodreads書評網★★★★壓倒性好評!   ★燒腦推理神作又一部,驚悚推理迷絕不容錯過的電影,精采程度更勝《鋒迴路轉》及《佈局》,故事百轉千迴讓你不到最後一刻無法猜出真相!   ★當記憶與現實糾纏交錯,連自己都無法相信,你還能相信誰?   故事大綱   當記憶與現實糾纏交錯,你分得清楚,哪一個才是真的嗎?   一個下著滂沱大雨的夜晚,凱絲在參加完派對之後想要抄森林裡的近路回家,卻發現一輛汽車停在...

2024 剧情片 惊悚

An actress preparing to return to acting after a long hiatus, who gets caught up in an unexpected incident and heads straight towards catastrophe.

2024 恐怖片 恐怖

Several young couples travel to a private island for a mysterious training retreat that promises to strengthen their relationship. However, during the Retreat, the heroes encounter an ancient demon - a Succubus. This monster feeds on the life energy of people, taking on someone else's appearance and provoking victims to show the worst qualities and do terrible things.
