2022 恐怖片 惊悚

Lonely teenager Mia gets hooked on the thrills of conjuring spirits through a ceramic hand, but when she is confronted by a soul claiming to be her dead mother, she unleashes a plague of supernatural forces, and struggles to decide who she can trust: the living or the dead.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚


2022 动作片 动作


2022 喜剧片 喜剧

  Chan-woo, who has been studying to become a police officer for 5 years, joins his friends for dinner to ask for the money to apply for his exam and ends up getting drunk. He completely blacks out and wakes up not remembering what happened in his next door neighbor's room. Not only that, he finds a bloody corpse in the middle of the room. He hurries back to his room and tries to report the incident but he had forgotten his phone in the other room. But the door is locked and he has to resort to using a rope to swing to the next door room outside the window. Once the phone is recovered, he cannot go back because of a group of cultists who are evangelizing the neighbors in the hallway. He knows it’s the last day to apply for his exam and gets antsy as time is running out.

2022 动作片 剧情

  Gandhi Mahaan, a school teacher, is abandoned by his family after he decides to live a life of his own, with personal freedom.

2022 动作片 谍之

The mystery of the unknown and the road that leads to the solving of the said mystery, both are waiting.

2022 恐怖片 剧情

  安娜·肯德里克加盟主演狮门影业全女性主角惊悚片[亲爱的爱丽丝](Alice, Darling,暂译)。该片为玛丽·奈姬(《投行风云》)的长片处女作, 阿兰娜·弗朗西斯撰写了剧本,卡司还包括乌米·马萨库([异国阴宅])、卡内赫迪奥·霍恩([在路上])、查理·卡里克(《深水》)。影片讲述了爱丽丝(肯德里克饰)的古怪行径。她对她两个最好的朋友(马萨库、霍恩分饰)隐瞒了,她交往了一个善变的男友(卡里克饰)的秘密。当三人去外地旅行时,一个当地女孩失踪了,而爱丽丝的男友又不请自来,所有的秘密都被揭露了。该片目前在加拿大拍摄中。

2022 剧情片 惊悚

  理查德·阿米蒂奇、帕斯·贝加([露西亚的情人])、约翰·雷吉扎莫(《有色眼镜》)将主演犯罪题材新片[来自罗马的男人](The Man From Rome,暂译)。该片卡司还包括杰拉丁·卓别林([孤堡惊魂])、保罗·吉尔福伊尔(《犯罪现场调查》)、Marlon Moreno。Sergio Dow自编自导。该片根据阿图罗·佩雷斯–雷维特撰写的同名小说改编,故事讲述梵蒂冈情报系统的特工洛伦佐·夸特神父(阿米蒂奇饰)被派往西班牙的塞维利亚,调查在一座倒塌的教堂中几起神秘的谋杀事件。影片计划于明年2月在西班牙开拍。

2022 恐怖片 惊悚

  A busy working mother hires a nurse to care for her wealthy father who has early onset dementia. Soon a bizarre deception creeps into play when the seductive nurse makes a play for the family fortune.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚


2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 动作片 动作


2022 恐怖片 剧情

  Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental illness that he is desperate to keep hidden. When his bipolar mother comes out of the woodwork after ten years of silence, he begins exhibiting unexplainable symptoms. After an injury at work, he starts losing functioning of his arms, and something sinister lurks in the corner of his vision: a silent and ominous man in a wolf costume. Will spirals into an obsession, determined to solve this mystery of his own. What is going on with his arms? Can he trust his boyfriend? Is he becoming his mother?

2022 剧情片 惊悚

恐怖分子闯入一对夫妇家中并将妻子劫为人质,在这场紧 张的对峙中,秘密与谎言背后的真相却渐渐浮出了水面。

2022 剧情片 剧情

  本片由伊莎贝尔·于佩尔出演,故事改编自卡罗琳·米歇尔-阿奎尔(Caroline Michel-Aguirre)撰写的同名小说,原著小说讲述2012年12月17日,在巴黎郊区的一栋房子里,一名女子被绑在椅子上,阴道内被插入一把刀柄,肚子上被刀刃划出字母“A”。她的名字叫莫林·科尔尼(Maureen Kearney),是阿海珐工会成员。

2022 恐怖片 剧情


2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 恐怖片 恶魔


2022 剧情片 惊悚

梅洛蒂(莎拉·亚金饰演)和她的妹妹莱拉(艾尔西·费舍尔饰)与朋友但丁(雅各布·拉铁摩尔饰)和露丝(尼尔·哈德森饰)一同前往偏远的德克萨斯州哈洛镇,开始一项理想主义的新商业冒险。但他们的梦想很快就演变成了一场噩梦,因为他们不小心破坏了人皮杀人魔的家,这个疯狂连环杀手的血腥事迹,让当地人至今心有余悸,其中包括莎莉·哈迪斯(欧文·弗热瑞饰),作为人皮杀人魔 1973 年大屠杀中的唯一幸存者,她决心寻求复仇。

2022 剧情片 惊悚

West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten community.

2022 剧情片 惊悚

Seemingly perfect high school senior, Olivia, struggles with grief from the recent loss of a friend. When she gets deferred from her dream college she begins to spiral and experiences a series of increasingly frightening panic attacks. In an attempt to regain some sense of control, she embarks on a social media-fueled rampage against those that stand in the way of her success b...

2022 剧情片 惊悚


2022 动作片 动作


2022 剧情片 惊悚

Newlyweds move into their dream home where they discover a collection of 100-year-old letters from a young woman who committed suicide after being abandoned by the owner of the home.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚


2022 剧情片 剧情

  A couple living in a Los Angeles suburb is compelled to take dangerous actions when they discover the police officer that has just murdered an unarmed motorist is their next door neighbor.

2022 剧情片 剧情

Follows Juan, an agent working for the intelligence services, who also reports to a parallel unit involved in illegal activities.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚

  A man unknowingly hires a psychotic instructor to teach his 10-year-old daughter how to swim.

2022 动作片 动作


2022 恐怖片 悬疑

  Camila is a young member of an elite police unit. During an operation in a dangerous area, she turns up in the middle of a ritual, in which their members burnt themselves to death. She suffers severe burns all over her body and goes into a coma. In her long recovery, her friend Fatima, a criminal prosecutor, and her partner and ex-boyfriend Ángel will help her. But Camila acts strange, she is distant, emotionless. The albino, a female figure who is attached to her soul since the ritual episode, is here to play a game with the three of them.

2022 剧情片 剧情

影片根据泰·加涅发表的的文章《高处:雪地里的脚印引发了一场温情救援》(High Places: Footprints i n the Snow Lead to an Emotional Rescue,暂译)改编,讲述了母亲、护士兼登山爱好者帕姆·贝尔斯的故事,当她独自跋涉华盛顿山,被暴风雪困住时,她遇到了陌生的登山者并为其展开了一场大胆的营救。

2022 剧情片 剧情

  Based on a true story. 1996, open sea. During his shift on a transatlantic ship’s deck, Joel, a religious Filipino sailor, discovers Dumitru, a Romanian stowaway hidden between some containers. If he is spotted by the Taiwanese officers running the vessel, Dumitru is at risk to be thrown overboard. Joel decides to hide him, as a sign of his gratitude towards God. Soon, a dangerous cat and mouse game begins. When his crew, his own friends, even God itself start to turn their backs on him, Joel learns that he has to face his cruel destiny alone.

2022 恐怖片 剧情

  奈特博士(伊德里斯·艾尔巴 饰)刚刚经历丧妻之痛,他决定带着他的两个女儿重返他和妻子第一次相遇的南非,并前往由他的世交好友和野生动物生物学家马丁·拜托斯(沙尔托·科普雷 饰)管理的野生动物保护区,展开一场计划已久的旅行。但是这场疗伤之旅却变成一场惊惧可怕的求生之旅, 因为他们被一头逃出贪婪残暴的盗猎者毒手之后,将所有人类都视为敌人的巨狮盯上并猎捕。

2022 剧情片 剧情

  A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of the climate crisis. Based on the controversial book by Andreas Malm.

2022 剧情片 悬疑

作家阿宝(汤怡 饰)与医生丈夫杨耀华(吴卓羲 饰)过着完美夫妻的生活。但一年前阿宝在深夜替丈夫把病历送到医院时遇上严重车祸后失去视力。 意外后,阿宝极力适应失明生活并继续写作。某日,杨医生要出差把阿宝独留家中两天。此时,不速之客郑文迪(潘灿良 饰)却上门要找杨医生。得悉只有阿宝一人在家,郑文迪潜入杨宅贴身暗窥阿宝一举一动,将她玩弄于股掌之中 — 原来文迪和杨医生有着血海深仇,豪宅之内,盲女与变态男,厮杀24小时。但看似一场猫捉老鼠的凌虐游戏背后,更凶猛的野兽其实却在暗角虎视眈眈。

2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 动作片 动作

《黑蟹行动》是一部瑞典动作惊悚片,背景设定在因战争而四分五裂的末日后世界。在一个漫长而严酷的冬天,六名士兵开始了一项秘密任务 — 冒着生命危险穿越冰冻的群岛运送一个据说能结束战争的包裹。当他们进入敌人的领地时,他们不知道前方会有什么危险,也不知道自己可以信任谁(如果有的话)。但对于速滑运动员出身的士兵卡罗琳·埃德来说,这个任务完全是另一回事。《黑蟹行动》由劳米·拉佩斯主演,亚当·伯格担任导演,讲述了六名士兵为了结束摧毁他们生活的战争而执行一项艰巨任务。

2022 动作片 动作


2022 剧情片 惊悚

  出色的企业举报人打算扳倒一家秘密从事不法活动的公司,但这个计划也让他身陷险境 — 因为有人雇佣了一名冷血杀手来除掉他。

2022 剧情片 惊悚

A noise is coming from the floor upstairs. Eunsu, hears this for over a month which causes uncontrollable anger to rise up. She gets eliminated again from a competition she had prepared for a long time. Eunsu decides to write her last piece with the theme of the noise between the floors and persuades her friend to help her follow and track the secret.

2022 剧情片 剧情

  A wickedly dark comedy follows dominatrix, Rebecca (Margaret Qualley), and her wealthy client, Hal (Christopher Abbott),as they engage in a high stakes role playing game for power and control.
  In the wake of inheriting his father’s hotel chain, Hal attempts to end his long and secret relationship with Rebecca. A battle of wills ensues over the course of one incredibly fraught night, with both Rebecca and Hal struggling to keep the upper hand as the power dynamics swing wildly back and forth.

2022 剧情片 剧情

  In this modern creature feature, a scary internet meme called "Grimcutty" stirs up panic amongst all the parents in town, convinced it's making their kids harm themselves and others. When a real-life version of Grimcutty starts attacking teen Asha Chaudry, her parents believe that she's cutting herself as part of a challenge. With her phone taken away and no one who believes her, Asha has to figure out how to get through to her parents and stop the Grimcutty once and for all.

2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 动作片 动作

  Following a mysterious disappearance on a jump, a group of skydivers experience paranormal occurrences that leave them fighting for their lives.

2022 恐怖片 悬疑


2022 恐怖片 惊悚

  After being complicit in a costume joke that ends in a fatal accident and a pact of silence, a group of young people will be threatened by an anonymous writer who wants to reveal his dark secret. Their stalker threatens to post a bloody horror novel based on them on social media. Each chapter one of them will die. While distrusting each other, the group will begin a fight for survival in the middle of the university campus. Any one of them could be the next victim, or the killer.

2022 剧情片 惊悚


2022 动作片 动作

A woman must rescue her husband after he is abducted by two ex-soldiers during a vicious home invasion.

2022 动作片 动作


2022 剧情片 惊悚

Twenty years after the disappearance of her daughter, a recovering alcoholic is preparing to host her family's Christmas celebration when her estranged ex-bother-in-law arrives unannounced, bearing nostalgic gifts and a heavy secret.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚


2022 伦理片 惊悚

  A couple found themselves on a sinister refuge after their car malfunctioned while taking a long-distance route to their hometown.

2022 恐怖片 剧情

  Kathryn, a struggling actress and unfulfilled housewife, becomes involved with her new gardener, Ben. As he gives her the attention and sensitivity she craves, they start to fall for each other. But Ben is not what he seems.

2022 剧情片 剧情

  When a young mother is barricaded inside a pantry by her violent ex-boyfriend, she must use ingenuity to protect her two small children from escalating danger while finding an escape.

2022 剧情片 剧情

A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling her to leave.

2022 动作片 剧情
2022 剧情片 惊悚

A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man in a vacant parking lot. Now, she must convince her mother to believe her story before she enacts her plan to destroy her family.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚

  Mario works in a large warehouse of lost objects where he keeps all kinds of belongings all kinds of belongings accumulated over the decades. Mario, who has Mario, who has long since decided to distance himself from people, spends his spare time investigating the investigating the provenance of objects in order to return lost pieces of their lives to their owners. lost pieces of their lives to their owners. Only Helena, a young policewoman who the warehouse, has been able to break through his armour. armour. One day a suitcase rescued from the bottom of the river arrives at the warehouse. Inside, she finds she finds baby clothes next to some human remains. Mario decides to Mario decides to investigate on his own and following the trail of the suitcase he comes across Sara, a young woman trapped since she was a child in a human trafficking organisation. trafficking organisation. A network that treats people as if they were objects.

2022 动作片 动作


2022 伦理片 剧情


2022 动作片 动作


2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 恐怖片 剧情

  A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling her to leave.

2022 恐怖片 惊悚


2022 恐怖片 惊悚

  In July 2016, Islamic terrorists stormed a popular café in upscale Dhaka and held its patrons hostage, killing more than 20 people and sending shockwaves across the subcontinent. Faraaz is the youngest son of a rich, politically connected family. That evening, he meets his friends at the café and finds himself caught in the crossfire. How he reacts to the nightmarish situation forms the heart of the story. Offsetting nail-biting tension with unexpected humour – often at the expense of inept law-enforcement officials – Hansal Mehta (Aligarh, LFF 2015) brings his trademark sensitivity, nuance and empathy to this fictionalised retelling. It is particularly striking for the way it looks at religious extremism from the perspective of Muslims who have seen their faith questioned and demonised because of the actions of radical extremists.

2022 恐怖片 动作


2022 动作片 兰奇

来自钦奈的记者塔亚尔·纳亚吉(Thaiyal Nayagi)碰巧通过一个以她16岁表姐苏希米莎(Sushmita)名义的假账户与突尼斯的一名恐怖分子联系起来。她几乎不知道这会使自己和她的表姐处于危险之中。