惊悚,冷和螺旋球喜剧 和小比基尼和血腥肢解在这个氯和血浸的谋杀神秘
《闪灵》续集《睡眠医师》(Doctor Sleep)北美定档2020年1月24日,依然根据斯蒂芬·金的同名小说改编,迈克·弗拉纳甘(《杰罗德游戏》《死亡占卜2》《梦醒之前》)执导。本片聚焦闪灵里的儿子Danny Torrance,经历了Overlook Hotel里可怕的童年时光后,他已经流浪了几十年,渴望摆脱父亲的绝望、酒精、暴力等特质,最终定居在新罕布什尔州的一个小镇上,这是一个支持他的AA制社区,他在一家养老院找到工作,在那里他残余的“闪灵”之力为垂死之人提供了至关重要的最终安慰。在一只有预知能力的猫的帮助下,他成为了“睡眠医师”。2001年女婴Abra Stone诞生,她逐渐开始展现超自然之力,似乎预测到了911事件。她缓慢而无意地与Danny建立起心灵感应的纽带,随着她的成长,力量也比Danny的更加强大,Danny被重新激起他心中的恶魔,...
世界各地突然出现不明嗜血生物,它们靠声音狩猎,捕食人类,致使全球陷入巨大恐慌。失聪少女艾丽·安德鲁斯(琪兰·席普卡 饰)和家人被迫踏上危机四伏的逃亡之旅,然而更大的危险悄然而至。
在一个弥漫着不祥气息的夜晚,约翰(彼得·穆尼 Peter Mooney 饰)和莎拉(泰勒·席林 Taylor Schilling 饰)迎来了家庭的新成员,与此同时在世界的另一个角落,某个冷血杀人狂遭受警方枪击,倒在血泊之中。此后不久,莎拉发现她这个有着异色瞳的儿子迈尔斯具有远超出同龄人的智慧,她为此兴奋不已,一门心思以天才的方式培养儿子。可是随着儿子年龄的长大,种种异相接二连三在迈尔斯的身上发生。他会在梦中用匈牙利语咒骂他人,会以残酷凶狠的手段殴打同学,他眼神中透露出来的冷酷凶残令约翰、莎拉夫妇站立不安。 从他人口中得知,迈尔斯体内有可能住着另一个人的灵魂,而那个灵魂以残杀嗜血为乐……
A sensational, sentimental, and philosophical horror neo-noir that follows the still-at-large crimes of Noel, a repentant, classy and charming serial killer loose in the suburbs of New York.
Trevor is 'between jobs'. He spends his days avoiding his nagging heifer of a wife by hiding out in his allotment shed and painting figurines for his wargames with his agoraphobic friend, Graham, and dreaming of his heroic alter-ego, the battle mage Casimir the Destroyer. When Mr Parsons, one of the other allotment tenants, petitions to have Trevor removed from his disgrace of a plot (he's not there to grow stuff!) an argument ensues that leaves Trevor with a corpse to hide. Unfortunately, this untimely accident coincides with the zombie apocalypse and Mr Parsons' return is just the beginnings of Trevor's problems. More pressing is whether or not he should try and save his wife and her beautiful best friend, who both he and Graham have a thing for.