2003 剧情片 剧情

这个复杂而又混乱的故事发生在三个血气方刚的年轻人之间。肖恩(詹姆斯·范德比克 James Van Der Beek 饰)是个贩卖毒品的小贩,同时也是个双性恋者。一次偶然中,他发现自己的好友保罗(伊恩·萨默海尔德 Ian Somerhalder 饰)居然对他有意,而对于保罗的示爱,肖恩竟然并不十分反感。   作为肖恩的前女友,劳伦(莎妮·索萨蒙 Shannyn Sossamon 饰)一直对保罗的性取向耿耿于怀,同时,肖恩狂放不羁的作风和英俊帅气的外表也让劳伦无法自持。随着时间的流逝,三人之间的关系渐渐奇妙起来,每一个人的心中都有深藏不露的过去与伤害,但却又不约而同的选择带上面具,肆意游走在性与欲望之间,游走在理智与情感的边缘。

2003 爱情片 剧情


2003 剧情片 剧情


2003 剧情片 剧情

  广告公司的职员佐久间俊介(藤木直人 饰)虽然衣着光鲜、生活奢华,但在公司中却要承受来自严厉的老板葛城胜俊(石桥凌 饰)的无情苛责和巨大压力。某晚他在葛城的宅邸外徘徊,无意中看见一名年轻女孩(仲间由纪惠 饰)翻墙而出。从女孩口中得知,这是葛城的私生女树理,因无法忍受养母和妹妹千春的盛气凌人而离家出走。最终,佐久间将树理带回自己家中暂住。

2003 剧情片 剧情

  早已功成名就的女性神秘小说家莎拉•莫顿(Charlotte Rampling 夏洛特•汉普林 饰)却为新作烦恼不已,在出版商约翰•布兰德(Charles Dance 查理士•当斯 饰)的建议下,她来到约翰的家乡别墅,一面休养,一面寻找灵感。乡间的悠哉生活使莎拉从久居伦敦的疲惫中解脱出来,尽情享受着难得的休闲时光。
  某晚,自称约翰女儿的茱莉(Ludivine Sagnier 卢蒂文•萨尼埃 饰)不宣而至,茱莉开朗、张扬、放荡,与古板莎拉格格不入。莎拉的创作计划被打乱,而一丝不祥的气息也悄然弥漫开来……

2003 剧情片 剧情


2003 恐怖片 剧情

  Stuart Gordon, considered a master of the horror genre thanks to classics like Re-Animator and Dagon, decides to do a different move in this strange trip to human morals.
  "King of the Ants" is about a regular guy, Sean Crawley(newcomer Chris McKenna), a man without any aspiration who just live in his apartment doing the necessary job to live to the next day. In one of his jobs he meets Duke(Gearge Wendt), who introduces Sean to his boss, Ray Matthews(played by Daniel Baldwin). Ray hires Sean as a spy, and orders him to follow Eric Gatlin(Roy Livingstone), an accountant who has been investigating Ray's company. Problems start when Ray, while drunk, orders Sean to kill Eric. And he does it. Things go wrong when Ray decides to make Sean disappear destroying his mind with violent punishment and humiliation.
  From the point where Sean kills Eric, we go in the same boat with him, as he goes through a downward spiral of human degradation, traveling from guilt, to confusion and finally to his rebirth, in a state where humanity, morals and values are not important anymore. Chris McKenna acting is very important because he manages to be likable even when he is part of gruesome acts, both as victim and/or criminal. He has that look of innocence that hides a dark side and he manages to carry the film.
  The support cast also includes Kari Wuhrer, as Eric's widow who also becomes a central part of Sean's trip to hell. She gives a fine performance, although it's obvious that Sean is the main character. He is the most developed of all and McKenna's performance is up to the challenge.
  The film has very disturbing images of violence, and while it may not be as graphic as "Kill Bill" for example, the strength of the violence is in the lack of humanity that the character manifest. He is more than an ant in this world. He is the king.
  Stuart Gordon has managed to create a film that, while maybe it's not one of his best efforts; it's very well done, has a VERY interesting story to tell, and manages to capture the attention every second of it.