2013 动作片 动作

纽约大战后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)将弟弟洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)带回仙宫囚禁起来,此外帮助九大国度平定纷争,威名扶摇直上。虽然父王奥丁(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)劝其及早即位,但索尔念念不忘地球的美丽女孩简·福斯特(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)。与此同时,简在和黛西及其助手伊安调查某个区域时意外被神秘物质入侵,却也因此重逢索尔,并随其返回仙宫。令人意想不到的是,藏在简体内的物质来自远古的黑暗精灵玛勒基斯(克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿 Christopher Eccleston 饰)。在“天体汇聚”的时刻再次到来之际,玛勒基斯企图摧毁九大国度,缔造一个全然黑暗的宇宙。   藏匿简的仙宫受到重创,而索尔和洛基这对冤家兄弟也不得不联手迎战...

2013 剧情片 剧情


2013 喜剧片 喜剧

Comedy and Horror unite in this "The Breakfast Club" meets "Shaun of the Dead" tale about a group of oddball high school students who find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies. Can they put their differences aside and work together to survive the night? Fat chance! This is High School after all.

2013 恐怖片 恐怖

明尼苏达州阳光明媚的一天,霍克教官(托马斯·多尼 Thomas Downey 饰)引领马丁·威廉姆斯(Clifton Williams 饰)、K(克里斯蒂娜·考夫 Kristina Kopf 饰)、赛克斯?莫特菲克(Jesse Kove 饰)、罗丝·威尔(Victoria Ramos 饰)和瑞特娜等五名年轻人来到了位于深山老林隐秘之处的营地,展开新兵训练。这几名年轻人性格张扬,各有心事,虽然心底极度抵触这样的强制兵役,可却无可奈何。幽静隐蔽的自然丛林,恐怖的气氛悄悄蔓延,这里隐藏着传说中的斧头巨人保罗?班扬。   行军训练开始,这几名新兵似乎闯入了巨人的领地,搅扰了他的宁静,无情杀戮拉开序幕,他们最终能否逃出生天?

2013 动作片 动作


2013 动作片 动作


2013 恐怖片 恐怖

美国黑足高中,名叫麦蒂(Caitlin Stasey 饰)的女孩正为在校啦啦队担任队长的友人艾莉克丝(Felisha Cooper 饰)拍摄纪录片。艾莉克丝张扬跋扈,不可一世,与橄榄球队的明星球员特瑞(Tom Williamson 饰)打得火热,谁知她却在风光之顶惨死镜头前。在此之后,翠西(Brooke Butler 饰)接替艾莉克丝的位置站到了顶端,特瑞也成为她囊中之物。悲愤交加的决心摧毁特瑞他们这群贱人的毕业典礼,于是置办行头加入关系混乱的啦啦队,并和翠西越走越近,这让她另一位友人——举止怪异的莉娜(Sianoa Smit-McPhee 饰)颇为担忧。在某个狂欢之夜,一场似乎被诅咒的争执和意外发生。   莉娜试图用巫术救活麦蒂,只不过一切朝着更难以预测的方向发展……

2013 纪录片 纪录

  A sharp, witty, mind-expanding and exuberant foray into the world of logic with computer scientist Professor Dave Cliff. Following in the footsteps of the award-winning 'The Joy of Stats' and its sequel, 'Tails You Win - The Science of Chance', this film takes viewers on a new rollercoaster ride through philosophy, maths, science and technology- all of which, under the bonnet, run on logic.
  Wielding the same wit and wisdom, animation and gleeful nerdery as its predecessors, this film journeys from Aristotle to Alice in Wonderland, sci-fi to supercomputers to tell the fascinating story of the quest for certainty and the fundamentals of sound reasoning itself.
  Dave Cliff, professor of computer science and engineering at Bristol University, is no abstract theoretician. 15 years ago he combined logic and a bit of maths to write one of the first computer programs to outperform humans at trading stocks and shares. Giving away the software for free, he says, was not his most logical move...
  With the help of 25 seven-year-olds, Professor Cliff creates, for the first time ever, a computer made entirely of children, running on nothing but logic. We also meet the world's brainiest whizz-kids, competing at the International Olympiad of Informatics in Brisbane, Australia.
  'The Joy of Logic' also hails logic's all-time heroes: George Boole who moved logic beyond philosophy to mathematics; Bertrand Russell, who took 360+ pages but heroically proved that 1 + 1 = 2; Kurt Godel, who brought logic to its knees by demonstrating that some truths are unprovable; and Alan Turing, who, with what Cliff calls an 'almost exquisite paradox', was inspired by this huge setback to logic to conceive the computer.
  Ultimately, the film asks, can humans really stay ahead? Could today's generation of logical computing machines be smarter than us? What does that tell us about our own brains, and just how 'logical' we really are...?