2020 恐怖片 科幻

CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s last day turns into a battle for survival when the doctor’s machine inadvertently turns a patient’s tumour into a cyst-monster that terrorizes the office.

2020 剧情片 剧情

韩国经典恐怖电影系列《女高怪谈》宣布重启。制作公司CINE2000今日宣布这部名为《女高怪谈重启:母校》的电影已经完成了选角,2019年7月已经开机。《母校》将讲述高中时期失去记忆的恩熙(金瑞亨 饰)在成人后作为校监回到母校工作后找回从前可怕的过去和秘密的故事,演员金贤秀和演员崔莉将在片中饰演女高中生角色,此外权海孝将出演学校的警卫员。