2016 喜剧片 喜剧

体育经理人在贤(柳演锡饰)是个相当玩世不恭的青年,他在釜山高速列车KTX上第一次见到了秀晶(文彩元饰)就对其一见钟情,性格直率不羁的他提出要和秀晶谈一场一天的恋爱。秀晶是一个不愿意给男人任何可乘之机的“铁壁女”,面对在贤的各种无理要求她相当恼火,而在贤却决心要在24小时 内得到秀晶的心,这样一对想法完全不合拍的两人从此展开了一场爱情拉锯战。

2016 伦理片 喜剧

  "Do you want to do it...?"
  The fatal seduction of...the "Challenge Game"
  Florist Ae-ran (Vicky) and forensics investigator Min-ho (Choi Ryeong) from the Public Prosecutor's Office both have a family that everyone wants. However, Min-ho can't handle bed time so Ae-ran starts a 'challenge game' in which she seduces and has sex with strange men. One day, Ae-ran and Min-ho meet Alex (Choi Hyeon-ho) at a tango cafe. Alex is interested in Ae-ran and approaches her while Ae-ran takes interest in Alex who is more handsome than her husband. Min-ho later witnesses them in action and gets angry when he finds out the man Ae-ran seduced is Alex. Min-ho feels nervous because he finds out Alex isn't just a game partner and approached him for a reason. Min-ho tries to get rid of Alex but Alex chokes Ae-ran and Min-ho even more and feels catharsis. The game they started is turning into a catastrophe...