民国初期,易学传人张天铭、姜大愚和葛小骨,机缘巧合下,分别收到了一封神秘的请帖,与此同时,不学无术的凌伍二,也收到了邀约。 随后,四人按请帖指示,相聚在一座豪华庄园。本以为只是寻常的堪舆选址,然而,这一切只是日本秘密间谍宫泽信子阴谋的开始,其目的是利用他们的祖传遗物,找到消失数百年的秘密基地。为了要挟他们,张天铭的未婚妻唐婉晴也被他们暗中抓获。四人只好假意迎合,踏上了这段生死未卜的寻宝探险之旅。 历经险阻,终于找到了千年古镇里的秘密基地。众人齐心协力,抵达了最深处的藏宝地。就在凌伍二协助宫泽信子打败众人准备窃取宝物之际。 关键时刻,酒窖里再次出现熟悉的二胡声,白发苍苍的老爷子‘闫道海’蹒跚走来。与此同时,无数的暗箭和利器从四面八方向凌伍二和宫泽信子袭来。 老爷子给出解药,缓解了唐婉晴的病情,并指出唯一的出口——蕴藏在真正秘密基地里的一扇九宫八卦逃生门...
After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zidik now works together with Hassan in the junkyard but both men are stuck in the past. 15 years ago, they lost their loved ones to a virus that turned people violent. Hassan often "forgets" that the virus killed his wife, while Zidik still remembers his sister attacking his mother and his father sacrificing himself to save Zidik. He also often thinks of Zooey, the girl he met at the orphanage he briefly stayed at before being kicked out by the evil Kak Lily. Meanwhile, Dr. Rahman, a disgraced scientist who previously managed to contain the virus, manufactures a new strain of zombie virus to create chaos. Amid this new zombie outbreak, Zidik encounters a zombified Zooey who tries to attack him but she slowly begins to remember who he is. Zidik then gets taken prisoner by Dr. Rahman when the doctor discovers that he is immune to the virus.