2022 喜剧片 喜剧

  Quesada, Julián, Cañizares and company return to face a crisis that could end the company, but this time with Quesada as CEO.

2019 剧情片 剧情

  A drug dealer plans to rob his own bosses to pay a debt.

2023 恐怖片 悬疑

  The film tells the story of how, in post-war Spain, Narcisa (played by Aria Bedmar), a novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As the days go by, the strange events and increasingly disturbing situations that torment her will eventually lead her to uncover the terrible web of secrets that surround the convent and haunt its inhabitants.

2016 喜剧片 剧情

  拥有完美人生与家庭的成功企业家拉蒙(丹尼罗维拉饰演) ,正期待第二个孩子的诞生,此时医生却告诉他罹患罕见的「多发性硬化症」(MS),并已经开始发病,自己很快将连100公尺的距离都走不到。

1993 剧情片 剧情

  化名法伊斯的杀手(Karra Elejalde 饰)在自己暂时打工的店里看到了一位少女,陷入了持续的恍然若失,老板对他散漫状态的指责让杀手勃然大怒,他打晕了老板,回到昏暗的住处,向女友透漏了自己的计划,原来少女是杀手十年前杀害的女画家的遗孤,当年血腥的场面让女孩精神失常,失去了言语的能力。杀手要消灭目击证人。

2024 纪录片 纪录


1982 恐怖片 悬疑

  这部影片是1980年的老片,故事叙述一位小孩,在家中玩裸女拼图,而被母亲发现,进而教训了一顿,不料小男孩那起斧头,把母亲一刀劈死,N 年后,有一所大学发生连续的凶杀案,被害者都是女性,而且都被电钜钜成一块块的残肢,到底凶手是何人呢?

2021 科幻片 剧情

  El film se encuadra dentro del género fantástico. ¿Cuál es su argumento? Mientras media España busca a una niña desaparecida, la asociación de aficionados a la ufología Ovni-Levante prepara su noche de avistamientos. Uno de sus miembros, José Manuel, guarda un secreto: el destino de la humanidad depende de él.

1984 剧情片 剧情


1993 剧情片 剧情


2021 喜剧片 剧情

  Summer 1985. As with every year, Rodri (Adrián Baena) leaves Catalonia and returns to his parents' Galician town to reunite with his gang. However, this year will be different for him and his friends. The real world problems begin appearing in their lives, threatening to drift the group apart. Clinging onto the friendship that joins them, the five friends plan to run away on Saint John's Eve night to search for a magical flower that, as per legend, grows up high a mountain and can make wishes come true. Becasue right now, their only wish is to solve their distressed friend's issue and, thus, remain together. An adventure that will make them grow through a fascinating tale full of action, emotion and hope, and that will permanently leave in their memories that summer where the song "Live is Life" by Opus played in the background.

2022 剧情片 悬疑

  The movie is based on the suspense short film nominated for the Golden Méliès to the Best European Fantastic Short Film, winner of more than 30 awards and screened by more than 200 film festivals. It was defined by the critics as "a cult short film".

2022 恐怖片 惊悚

  Mario works in a large warehouse of lost objects where he keeps all kinds of belongings all kinds of belongings accumulated over the decades. Mario, who has Mario, who has long since decided to distance himself from people, spends his spare time investigating the investigating the provenance of objects in order to return lost pieces of their lives to their owners. lost pieces of their lives to their owners. Only Helena, a young policewoman who the warehouse, has been able to break through his armour. armour. One day a suitcase rescued from the bottom of the river arrives at the warehouse. Inside, she finds she finds baby clothes next to some human remains. Mario decides to Mario decides to investigate on his own and following the trail of the suitcase he comes across Sara, a young woman trapped since she was a child in a human trafficking organisation. trafficking organisation. A network that treats people as if they were objects.

1996 剧情片 悬疑

  女大学生安吉拉(安娜·托伦特 Ana Torrent 饰)正在撰写一篇关于视听暴力的论文,她的教授在为她收集资料的时候心脏病突发死亡。安吉拉觉得事有蹊跷,偷偷从案发现场拿走了教授死亡前正在看的一卷录像带。切玛(费雷·马丁内兹 Fele Martínez 饰)对暴力录像研究颇深,安吉拉带着录像带向他求助。他告诉安吉拉,其中录制的惨绝人寰的暴力行径为真实拍摄,并且受害者很可能就是他们失踪已久的校友凡妮莎。
  为了得到真相,安吉拉和切玛四处奔波渐渐产生了感情。他们找到了凡妮莎的男友博斯克(爱德华多·诺列加 Eduardo Noriega 饰),没想到博斯克却把矛头指向了切玛。夹在两个男人之间的安吉拉究竟应该相信谁?一个小小的细节暴露了全部真相,当恶魔展现出他的真正面目,“天使”安吉拉还能够幸免于难吗?

1996 剧情片 剧情

  年轻贵族蓝郎爱上富商女儿玛丽芭。蓝郎的仆人Sempronio 建议找女巫Celestina来促进此事。但另外一个仆人Parmeno 对女巫深感怀疑,因为他清楚知道她的把戏。其后女巫让玛丽芭深信蓝郎对他的爱 ,并安排一个秘密会面, 蓝郎给了女巫子一条昂贵的金链子。两位仆人都不满意女巫提供给他们的妓女,他们提出更多的要求,因此引发了一连串的戏剧化事情。

2016 剧情片 剧情

  For many years no one knew what happened to nine-year-old Gabriel after a mysterious accident in the mountains. Years later the now teenage boy suddenly appears pleading a case of amnesia. Are we witnessing the return of a real son searching for his identity or the strategic calculations of an imposter?

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

  Spain, late 1980s. Newcomer Sara tries to fit in with the other teens in this tight-knit small town in the province of Tarrgona. If only she were more like her extroverted best friend, Rebe. They go out one night at a nightclub, on the way home, they come upon a little girl holding a doll, dressed for her first communion. And that's when the nightmare begins.

2020 剧情片 剧情


2000 剧情片 剧情

  一次偶然中,厌世的流亡作家费尔南多(Germán Jaramillo 饰)结识了名叫亚历山大(Anderson Ballesteros 饰)的年轻小伙,后者的青春与活力很快就让费尔南多放弃了轻生的念头。