2022 纪录片 纪录

  Tracing Dame Maggie Smith's life from Ilford to the dizzy heights of Broadway and Hollywood, where she has become one of the most-loved stars of stage and screen.

2022 纪录片 纪录

A portrait of the "world's greatest living explorer" Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a film that goes beyond the record breaking achievements to explore the man behind the myth.

2022 纪录片 纪录

《神奇动物:一段自然历史》探索J·K·罗琳创造的“神奇动物”与全球古今生物之间的联系。由BBC与英国华纳影业联合制作,从自然历史部门档案中选取的素材与[神奇 动物]系列影片中的场景进行对比,将现实中的动物、神话中的生物与魔法世界的动物紧密交织起来。斯蒂芬·弗雷担任主持。

2022 剧情片 剧情

With series ten due to launch on Sunday 18 April at 8pm and series 11 about to commence filming, Call The Midwife will now be on air until 2024. Series 12 and 13, commissioned by Piers Wenger, Director of BBC Drama and Charlotte Moore, Chief Content Officer, will consist of two 8x60’ series and two Christmas specials.

2022 喜剧片 剧情

  影片改编自保罗·加利科同名畅销小说。20世纪50年代伦敦一位丧偶的家政女工(莱丝利·曼维尔 饰),因疯狂爱上一件迪奥高级定制连衣裙,并决心自己也要拥有一件,继而踏上了一场前往巴黎的冒险。而这趟旅程不仅将改变她的人生面貌,也将重塑迪奥的未来。

2022 动作片 动作

  A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment

2022 剧情片 银幕

Hopper’s work is the most recognisable art in America – popular, praised, and mysterious. Countless painters, photographers, filmmakers and musicians have been influenced by his art – but who was he, and how did a struggling illustrator create such a bounty of notable work?   This new film takes a deep look into Hopper’s art, his life, and his relationships. From his early career...

2022 喜剧片 世外

An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives.

2022 纪录片 纪录

Remember when everyone wanted to be in The Strokes or look like Karen O? Then this is the film of the year for you! We’re in New York in the early ’00s. Rock n’ roll had long since been declared dead and buried when a tsunami of young bands suddenly swept across the city and up the charts everywhere, setting a new standard for urban cool. In a kaleidoscopic journey with an eye ...

2022 恐怖片 恐怖

On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an evil Christmas tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the tree hunts her down. Can anyone stop this killer Christmas tree before he gets to his target?

2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 恐怖片 恐怖

  Londoners Maya and Jamie who escape their urban nightmare to the tranquility of rural Ireland only to discover malevolent, murderous goblins lurking in the gnarled, ancient wood at the foot of their new garden.

2022 剧情片 惊悚

West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten community.

2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 科幻片 科幻

A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

2022 动作片 动作


2022 动作片 动作


2022 喜剧片 喜剧

After accepting a job at a low-rent pornographers, a feisty young woman must fight to survive against an ancient evil intent on killing everyone in its path.

2022 剧情片 剧情

  MEDUSA DELUXE is a murder mystery set in a competitive hairdressing competition. Extravagance and excess collide, as the death of one of their own sows seeds of division in a community whose passion for hair verges on obsession.

2022 纪录片 纪录

  手指不断滑过屏幕……在网上寻找真爱并不容易,所以当塞西莉刷到一位英俊风流的亿万富翁时,她简直不敢相信,实际见面后真人也符合她的理想。但一切终究是黄粱一梦,当她发现这个国际商人满嘴谎言时,为时已晚。他骗走了她的一切。童话故事结束之际,一出复仇大戏开始上演。塞西莉发现了他的其他目标,一旦她们联合起来,她们就不再是受害者:Tinder 诈骗王有了难缠的对手。这部引人入胜的纪录长片由《冒充者》和《别惹猫咪:追捕虐猫者》的制片人打造,其揭穿了骗子的真实身份,并竭力将他绳之以法。

2022 纪录片 纪录

  Follows the journey in the career of English football great Wayne Rooney, from his professional debut at the age of 16 to becoming Manchester United and England's all-time top scorer.

2022 剧情片 剧情


2022 剧情片 剧情

  Festivities take a back seat as DI Parker investigates the murder of a podcaster. She had been probing the disappearance of a child and claimed to have found new evidence. The missing child has haunted Commissioner Patterson for years.

2022 剧情片 惊悚

  贝琪(格蕾丝·富尔顿 饰)和亨特(维吉尼亚·加德纳 饰)是一对喜欢追求刺激的好友,某天,她们攀上一座高达610米的电视塔后,意外受困于顶端,面对恶劣天气和物资短缺,她们必须设法在令人晕眩的高度上活下去。

2022 剧情片 剧情

  夏洛特·甘斯布、蕾蓓尔·威尔森将携手主演英国独立制片新作[杏仁体与海马体](The Almond And The Seahorse,暂译)。影片由汤姆·斯特恩(克林特·伊斯特伍德御用摄影师)和塞林·琼斯共同执导,改编自凯特·奥雷利撰写的同名舞台剧剧本,琼斯和奥雷利共同撰写电影剧本。故事围绕着一个考古学家和一个建筑师展开,他们在面对创伤性脑损伤使他们渐渐遗忘所爱之人时,决议发起抗争重新架构自己的未来。影片将于2021年3月在利物浦和北威尔士开机。

2022 剧情片 剧情

  前妻凯特(劳拉·邓恩 饰)与儿子尼古拉斯(泽恩·麦格拉思 饰)的出现打乱了彼得与新伴侣贝丝(凡妮莎·柯比 饰)的生活。彼得费尽心思照顾深陷抑郁情绪的尼古拉斯,但他还需要兼顾工作和新家庭。重重压力之下,家庭矛盾逐渐激化,诸多过往心结也随之涌现……彼得能否走出困境、获得救赎?

2022 科幻片 剧情

  经历了许多危险的旅程,在时空中与最可怕的怪物对决后,第十三任博士终于迎来了她最后的冒险,对抗她最致命的敌人: 戴立克、赛博人和她的宿敌——法师。

2022 喜剧片 喜剧

  Three Plebs join the army in peace-time, hoping to win respect, romance and military discounts at selected restaurants. But when war's declared they're sent to fight on the front line of a Roman legion for a cause they don't believe in. Now their main interest is the struggle for survival.

2022 剧情片 剧情

  Follow a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where they encounter a young soldier who, like them, is far away from home.

2022 战争片 战争

  影片讲述一战中第一个获得英国维多利亚十字勋章的尼泊尔廓尔喀军人库尔伯·塔帕·玛加尔(Kulbir Thapa Magar VC)的经历,他曾在加里波第和埃及为大英帝国而战

2022 喜剧片 喜剧

  The Bafta-winning Stewart Lee performs his latest touring show, focusing on a bizarrely erroneous description of his work on Netflix and a mind-boggling review from Alan Bennett.

2022 动作片 动作

  the Lionheart, before he ascended to become King of England, as he must fight for his life and learn the responsibilities of leadership amidst a treacherous ambush.

2022 科幻片 科幻

  臭名昭著的 51 区爆发了一场疫情,将一群幸存者带到了地下掩体……只是为了了解……他们并不孤单。

2022 动作片 剧情

  破获接手的第一起案件后,伊诺拉·福尔摩斯(米莉·波比·布朗饰)追随著名的哥哥夏洛克(亨利·卡维尔饰)的脚步,开办了自己的侦探事务所,却发现女性职业侦探的生活并不像看上去那么容易。在她不得不接受成年后的冷酷现实,准备关闭事务所时,一个身无分文的不幸女孩为她带来了第一单生意:寻找失踪的妹妹。但事实证明,这个案子比想象的要复杂得多,因为诺拉即将踏入一个危险的新世界 — 从伦敦险恶的工厂和色彩缤纷的音乐厅,到社会最高阶层和贝克街 221B。随着致命阴谋的触发,伊诺拉需要朋友和夏洛克本人的帮助才能解开这个谜团。游戏似乎又开始变得扑朔迷离!

2022 纪录片 纪录