2020 动作片 动作

A contract killer, becomes the reverend of a LA church, until a cult leader and his minions kidnap his daughter. Blinded by vengeance, he cuts a bloody path across the city. The only thing that can stop him is his newfound faith.

2020 剧情片 剧情


2020 爱情片 爱情

蒂莉?加德纳(英迪娅·埃斯利 India Eisley 饰)的父母在一次坠机事故中丧生,这使得她萎靡不振。而南塔克特岛的司机尼科(K·J·阿帕 K.J. Apa 饰)的出现改变了这一切,并使得蒂莉与其坠入了爱河。但随着与尼科的相处,蒂莉渐渐发现他的身份似乎并不简单,并且与导致蒂莉父母双亡的坠机事件有着千丝万缕的联系。而另一方面。一心为蒂莉父亲复仇的联邦调查局探员坎特雷尔(詹姆斯·瑞马尔 James Remar 饰)的介入使得事情变得更加复杂。在南塔克特岛上,一场危机似乎蓄势待发......

2020 喜剧片 喜剧


2020 恐怖片 悬疑
2020 动作片 动作


2020 恐怖片 惊悚

  Marquis(欧玛瑞·哈德威克 饰)带着家人飞往偏远的阿帕拉契参加父亲的丧礼,不料途中一场暴风雨使得飞机失控。Marquis醒来时受了伤,自己一人困在Ms. Eloise(洛雷塔·迪瓦恩 饰)的阁楼里。Ms.Eloise说自己用了Marquis的血和皮肤制作了巫毒Boogity,并将使用Boogity帮他治疗痊愈。求救无门的Marquis只能想尽办法以智取胜,试图下个月圆之夜之前逃离Ms. Eloise的巫术并拯救自己的家人免于这场邪恶的祭典。

2020 剧情片 剧情

这是沃尔伯格和导演彼得·博格自《孤独的幸存者》《恐袭波士顿》《深海浩劫》《22英里》后第五度,合作基于罗伯特·B·派克所著同名小说,派克死后由Ace Atkins接手创作,也是以男主角Spenser为中心的八本系列悬疑小说中的一本。Netflix已经和派克遗产方面达成协议,基于Spenser这一角色打造一系列电影。   本片将有别于小说,小说讲述Spenser从一个满嘴俏皮话的拳击手变为波士顿的一名私家侦探,电影从Spenser出狱开始讲起,他被剥夺了私人侦探执照,当他揭露了一个耸人听闻的谋杀案和背后阴谋的真相时,他又被拉回了波士顿的黑暗犯罪世界中。尼尔·莫瑞兹(《速度与激情》系列 《越狱》)制片, Sean O’Keefe编写剧本。

2020 喜剧片 喜剧

A deadbeat dad, an insurance scammer, and an MMA coach must avenge their Kung Fu master's death but first - they need to call in sick at their 9-to-5's.

2020 纪录片 纪录


2020 纪录片 纪录

  NOVA: Mysteries of Sleep Like virtually every other animal, humans need sleep to survive. But why? What do we gain from spending nearly a third of our lives in such a defenseless state? And what's at stake if we sleep poorly? The functions of sleep have long been something of a mystery. But now scientists are peering deep into the brain to see what happens while we snooze. One study reveals that well-timed bursts of pink noise can nudge a person's brain waves, extending periods of slow-wave, or deep, sleep. And toddlers learning new words show that taking even a short nap after learning something new can help the information stick. And when it comes to sleeping poorly, it may turn out that having interrupted sleep can be just as harmful as missing sleep altogether. As scientists come to understand the powerful role that sleep -- or lack of it -- plays in everything from memory to trauma to emotion regulation, one thing is clear: This biological function is as crucial as it is complex.

2020 剧情片 剧情

  David Morales (Mario Lopez), an Arizona high school principal and single dad, has lost the holiday spirit after also losing his wife a few years ago during the Christmas season. Now, David will do anything to avoid Christmas so he moonlights as a delivery driver during the holidays. But this year David's 14-year-old daughter, Noel (Paulina Chavez), and his live-in sister, Marissa (Marycarmen Lopez), are determined to bring the yuletide spirit back to the family and, with a little luck, also help David find love again via online dating. So when Sophie (AnnaLynne McCord), a witty musician and customer on David's delivery route, swipes right on him, something magical happens between them.