2017 喜剧片 剧情

  一场严重意外让班(Pablo Pauly 饰)进了复健中心,连洗澡、更衣、走路都无法自理,遑论上场打他最爱的篮球。班在中心里认识的新朋友皆是四肢瘫痪、下肢瘫痪或创伤性脑损伤的重度身障者,一群人被生理障碍折磨到精疲力尽、互相谩骂却又彼此提携,并一同学习耐心的重要。他们挣扎着踏上「重生」之路,经历一段混杂成功与挫败、泪水与欢笑的旅程,途中结识各式各样的人——痊愈,并非孤军奋战。

2017 喜剧片 喜剧

4 couples, chacun à un stade différent de sa relation amoureuse.   Ce chassé croisé amoureux est cristallisé par le fait qu’il se déroule la semaine de la Saint-Valentin à Paris, capital de l’amour. Il y a ceux qui se rencontrent pour la première fois, ceux qui profitent de cette date pour se séparer, ceux qui doutent de la fidélité de l’autre, ou encore ceux qui tentent de se re...

2017 喜剧片 喜剧

Juliette's problem is that she is totally incapable of making up her mind about anything. So even at 40, she still asks her father and her two best friends to choose everything for her. When her love life crosses the road of Paul then of Stephen, as charming and different as the other, necessarily, the heart of Juliette swings. For the first time, nobody can decide for her .

2017 喜剧片 喜剧


2017 喜剧片 喜剧

格雷(菲利普·拉肖 Philippe Lacheau 饰)是“借口.com”公司的创始人,专门为需要“打掩护”的客户制造各种各样的借口和谎言。因为特殊的性质和高需求,公司的经营蒸蒸日上。一次偶然中,格雷邂逅了名为弗洛(艾罗娣·方坦 élodie Fontan 饰)的女子,弗洛的天真和单纯深深的吸引着格雷,令后者坠入情网。格雷深信,她就是他命中注定要寻找的另一半。   然而,令格雷头疼的是,弗洛是一个对“撒谎”零容忍的的人,如果告诉了她自己的真实身份,她一定会愤怒的拂袖而去。无奈之下,格雷只得用谎言将自己重重包装,在虚伪的假面下,格雷终于和弗洛走到了一起,可是当他到弗洛家做客时才发现,弗洛的父亲竟然就是自己的客户。

2017 喜剧片 剧情


2017 喜剧片 喜剧

  Aglaé Lanctot, 25-years-old, is as insecure as can be. As a result of being 'brought up' by an irresponsible mother and by an absent father, she can now find her balance only in a methodical life and a regular, well-defined job. For instance in being the most perfectionist vehicle crash test worker ever. So imagine her dismay when she learns that her factory is going to be relocated - in India. Losing such a structuring job is simply inconceivable. So much so that when Aglaé is offered to hold the same position but thousands of miles away from home, with pay cut and without the least social benefits, she - accepts. A few days later, Aglaé hits the road in an old Citroën Visa, accompanied by her two friends and co-workers Liette and Marcelle who, for reasons of their own, have decided to follow her example.