1997 恐怖片 恐怖

  Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in search of unsuspecting victims to sustain their unholy existence on Earth. However, danger lurks everywhere, and the city's sad, memory-laden cemeteries can only provide temporary refuge. Indeed, blood begets blood. Is there an end to the blood-stained sisters' tyranny?

2001 恐怖片 悬疑

  美丽的姑娘丽莎(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)和祖母一同居住在卢浮宫对面的大楼。卢浮宫的修葺工程使老旧的大楼常出问题,丽莎因此结识了善良的电工小伙马丁(弗雷德里克·迪方多 Frédéric Diefenthal 饰)。某次的施工无意中打通了卢浮宫地道与大厦的电梯间,丽莎与马丁因此夜入卢浮宫,走进了科学家们研究古埃及木乃伊的实验室。丽莎与一具木乃伊干尸对望,没想到却使木乃伊中的鬼魂进入了她的身体,从此每到深夜,丽莎便被鬼魂驱使在卢浮宫里游荡,搜寻古埃及的护身符。馆长请来经验丰富的退休警察弗拉克(米歇尔·塞侯 Michel Serrault 饰)负责调查卢浮宫幽灵事件,从英国来的埃及学专家格兰达(朱莉·克里斯蒂 Julie Christie 饰)也帮了大忙。但众人的努力是否真能制服丽莎体内的强大幽灵呢?

2020 恐怖片 惊悚
