海龙菜鸟小宝(阮经天 饰)来到海天一色的金门,欢迎他的却是魔鬼士官长老张(陈建斌 饰)带来的铁血磨练。惨遭退训后,他被分发到有“军中乐园”之称的特约茶室,却在这里遇到了新训中心的好友华兴(王柏杰 饰),也发现了老张对阿娇(陈意涵 饰)情有独钟的秘密,坚守忠贞的他这时也被侍应生妮妮(万茜 饰)吸引,展开了一段幽微的情愫……
安济逃往山中躲避,却仍是被吴的手下?马大人(欧威)夺走诏书。玉凤两姐妹的建议下,安济决定去找马大人要回诏书,双方人马却一言不和,大打出手,所幸游侠?周向港(柯俊雄)适时出现,使得安济顺利拿回诏书。 但万万没想到,游侠竟反过来向安济要诏书,玉凤见状谎称诏书藏在客栈里。游侠赶往客栈,在路上看到通缉安济的告示,改变心意决定将诏书献给吴国丈。不善武功的安济,根本不是游侠的对手,他一路慌张地逃跑到一间破庙,幸得庙中师父(韩江)解救。游侠和师父以下棋来定胜负,安济想要趁他们下棋之际溜走,但还是被游侠连人带着诏书一块去见吴国丈。 吴国丈听闻游侠武功高超,早已做好万全准备,但游侠还是将官兵杀得片甲不留,最后更为民除害杀了吴国丈。安济告诉师父和玉凤姐妹,游侠其实是真正的无敌刀王。而游侠也领悟到师父所说的‘真是假、假是真、空是有、有是无’,丢下刀剑,独自离去……
Fist Of Fury III stars Bruce Li as the brother of Bruce Lee's character who after accomplishing revenge on the Japanese fighters that killed his brother, returns to take care of his mother and live in the country. Determined to live a peaceful life he finds himself forced into action as Japanese thugs follow him and make his life miserable. Fist Of Fury III is way better than Fist Of Fury II, but (of course) not up to the standard of Bruce Lee's original. This one is a standard kung fu cheapie in all arenas, except that the fights are better handled, the story develops the vengeance angle fairly well and in fact has a great climax involving a thunderstorm that basically adds to the action's overall mood. Once again it's no great masterpiece and Bruce Li, while charismatic, is not Bruce Lee but as far as kung fu movies go this is as good as these things get. Another nice touch is bringing back the English Intrepeter from Bruce Lee's Return Of The Dragon, as well as crisp directing during the action in the style of Bruce Lee's original. It's nothing worth going out of your way to locate, but if found in the bargain bin or in a Kung Fu movie collection, it's worth picking up.
台湾某私立大学拳击社因人气低迷,正面临这被学校关闭的命运。该社的教练也将就此失业,这令教练的女儿——同时也是拳击社的女经理人——丁小葵(郭采洁 饰)忧心忡忡。万人迷社长赵大杰(彭于晏 饰)虽然身有旧伤,却仍决定全力拼搏,在选拔赛上取得优异成绩,同时也为了却心中夙愿。
正 值此时,两名大陆学生转到这所学校。男孩陈家翔(明道 饰)是北京综合大学拳击队前主将,曾取得全国大赛的冠军,却因一场车祸留下头疼的后遗症,从此与拳击绝缘;女孩迟姗姗(苑新雨 饰)拉的一手优美的小提琴,同时也是家翔的粉丝。在小葵和珊珊的激励下,家翔决定走回拳台。青春男女为了各自的理想挥洒汗水……