LINE TV原創BL浪漫喜劇《HIStory4-近距離愛上你(英文名:Close To You)》日前開鏡,主演群涂善存、安俊朋、陳立安、林嘉威及紀欣伶出席開鏡儀式,由巧克科技新媒體暨LINE TV執行長陳立人、導演陳怡妤帶領全新團隊上香祈福。《HIStory4-近距離愛上你》 比前三季規格、品質更加提升,將帶給觀眾全新的感受,四位主演平均身高超過184公分,長相帥氣、身材修長,堪稱「高顏值撕漫男」組合,連唯一女主角紀欣伶身高都有174公分,穿起高跟鞋逼近180公分,五人一字排開,大長腿格外受矚目。 涂善存有一雙濃眉電眼,這次飾演婚顧公司業務一部經理「蕭立呈」,外表陽光帥氣,個性豪爽,面對感情喜歡「直球」對決。他劇中為了追求小時候的初戀對象、同時也是腐女的「劉美芳(紀欣伶飾)」,找上陳立安飾演的禁慾系貴公子「藤沐仁」,組成「呈仁CP」賣腐吸引對方注...
Godfather of Harlem Season 2 finds Bumpy Johnson battling the New York Crime Families for control of the lucrative and murderous “French Connection,” the pipeline for heroin that runs from Marseilles to New York Harbor. With a distribution syndicate that includes black crime bosses from other major U.S. cities, Bumpy takes a cue from his friend Malcolm X’s message of black economic nationalism. His ambitious plan will face challenges from not only the Italians but his wife Mayme, daughter Elise, rival Adam Clayton Powell, prosecutor Robert Morgenthau, and even Malcolm himself. Once again, Godfather of Harlem explores the collision of the criminal underworld and civil rights in the colorful, tumultuous year of 1964.