2008 欧美剧 欧美

A drunken call of nature on a generator turns just another night out for Frank into a nightmare.   At hospital he's told that tests show he has a heart condition and may not make it to the weekend.   With these words ringing in his ears, he sets out to drink and drug himself into a stupor, only to be visited by his younger self and challenged to answer the question: "What is the po...

2008 欧美剧 欧美

  《小杜丽》(Little Dorrit)是由BBC电视台根据狄更斯同名小说改编的作品。
  艾米·杜丽(克莱尔·芙伊 Claire Foy 饰)的父亲威廉·杜丽(汤姆·康特奈 Tom Courtenay 饰)经商失败,连累全家欠下巨额债务而被关进 了债务人监狱。在债务人监狱里出生、长大的艾米尽管出身卑微,生活困苦,但却有颗善良的心,从不吝惜为周围的人出力,也不为自己的贫困感到羞耻。21岁那年,她瞒着父亲到皮尔逊家当佣人,在那里她遇到了皮尔逊家的独子亚瑟(马修·麦克费登 Matthew Macfadyen 饰)。通过亚瑟的帮助杜丽一家因其姓氏得到意外的遗产离开监狱成为上流社会的一员。周遭的一切也因此突然变得不一样起来。经过种种,艾米和亚瑟是否最终走到一起
