It’s summer and a group of young women head off for a week to a house in the country in order to rehearse a play. In the peace and quiet of their natural surroundings, which provide a refuge from the intense heat of the sun, the women go through the text and dress up in their ruched period costumes, while in easy conversation they share their secrets, and also have little adventures. This enchanting debut by Itsaso Arana, who co-wrote and starred in August Virgin (Official Selection – Competition, KVIFF 2019), provides an opportunity to stop for a moment, to breathe in the warm air and settle back in the open embrace of this company of women. After all, what kind of summer would it be without girls, a campfire, songs and a touch of magic?
伊莎贝尔(拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉 Leticia Dolera 饰)是一名非常有才华的脱口秀演员,虽然这份工作并不能够给她带来太多的财富,但却给她带来了真正的快乐,伊莎贝尔可以说是真的成为了自己生活的主人。 一天,伊莎贝尔邂逅了名叫罗伯特(哈维尔·雷伊 Javier Rey 饰)的男子,这个男人是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,家财万贯风流成性。罗伯特有一个妹妹名叫丹妮拉(阿玛雅·萨拉曼卡 Amaia Salamanca 饰),她是一个脾气非常古怪而且异常的难以取悦的女人。让罗伯特没有想到的是,伊莎贝尔竟然只是动动嘴,就逗笑了难搞的妹妹,于是,他决定雇佣伊莎贝尔,利用他带给丹妮拉快乐。
在小女孩埃斯特雷亚(Sonsoles Aranguren 饰)的眼中,父亲奥古斯汀(Omero Antonutti 饰)是万能的英雄,在他健康壮硕的体格下,有着一颗无所不知又无所不能的聪慧大脑,他将永远年轻,永远强大,然而事实真的如此吗?埃斯特雷亚从来都不知道父亲有着怎样的过去,她唯一知道的是,南方,是父亲的故乡亦是归宿。
一转眼,埃斯特雷亚(伊希娅·博拉茵 Icíar Bollaín 饰)已经是一个15岁的大姑娘了,随着年岁的增长,父亲的形象也在慢慢的产生着变化。时常紧蹙的眉头表明着奥古斯汀的脆弱和阴郁,秘密情人的暴露甚至让他失掉了作为一个丈夫最起码的忠诚。埃斯特雷亚将这一切都看在眼里,诸多的问题萦绕在她的心头,但她并不急于发问,因为她明白,那一时刻迟早都会到来。
Beto is a lonely man who works as Ranger of the isolated Peninsula Valdes' National Park (Chubut, Argentina). Lover of the nature and animals, the peace of his days watching orcas, seals and sea lions in the sea ends after the arrival of Lola, a Spanish mother who travels there from Madrid with his autistic 11 years old son Tristán looking for Beto after both watch him in a documentary about whales. Desperate, Lola asks help Beto in order to make a therapy for Tristán, hoping that his isolation caused by the autism can be overcome. Reluctant at the beginning, Beto agrees to help Tristán, sailing by the cost in a boat to meet orcas (defying the rules that prevent touching them and swimming them), the only one that causes emotional responses in Tristán. As days go by, Tristán starts slowly to express emotions, in the same way that Beto's boss tries to fire him in the belief that orcas are a dangerous killers whales, Lola realizes about a familiar trouble in Spain and that they Lola and ...
Two couples in their thirties, heated discussions on the essentials of life unfolding between Madrid and the neighbouring countryside. Directorial star of Spanish film Jonas Trueba (The August Virgin, KVIFF 2019) is a master of soulful cinematic miniatures which don’t require long hours to convey profound, existential feelings infused with enchanting melancholy and gentle humour.