2016 剧情片 剧情


2016 剧情片 剧情

A young junior hockey player's life is shattered by an in-game act of violence. In an instant his life is abruptly turned upside down; torn from the fraternity of the team and the coinciding position of prominence, he is cast as a pariah and ostracized from the community. As he struggles with the repercussions of the event, desperate to find a means of reconciliation and a sens...

2016 剧情片 剧情

改编自加拿大作家露西·莫德·蒙哥马利(Lucy Maud Montgomery)的同名长篇小说。2016年新拍版电视电影。住在爱德华王子岛艾凡里镇上的一对单亲兄妹马修·卡斯伯特和玛莉拉·卡斯伯特,原本打算领养一个男孩来帮忙农务,但领养中心却误送了一个女孩给他们,这个名叫安妮·雪莉的红发少女孤儿,满怀丰富的想像力并且能言善道,所有的自然景物在她的想象中,都变得能说话,有灵魂。原本发现弄错人的玛莉拉打算将安妮送回去,但马修却把安妮留了下来。
